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A member registered Jan 14, 2020

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The wolf/malo pathing issues alone being fixed is huge in my opinion. Too many times getting stuck inside because of her getting stuck on the steps just ruined the day/night and put a halt to the gameplay but now you can actually brave the night when you're sure shes gone to do some night farming. Also noticed she doesn't spawn in the day anymore, which is also nice, it sucked getting stuck inside and watching your plants fuckin wither because of it.

Also did not hear any problems with the generator anymore so that's great. Hated having to run over to turn it off to stop it when it happened. Lowering the capacity is an interesting change, could put people in a tight situation at times if they forget to turn it off during the day.

Roadmap looks cool, of course given how indie development is these days I don't trust it at all because its incredibly difficult to stick to a strict roadmap, especially with how much is on it. Either way its a lot of good ideas and such for the future, will be lookin forward to see what comes of it all.

Even with the Chang and their really good racial trait combined with rage it isn't enough the further into the game you get. Playing melee as solo just isn't worth it because of how much work you have to do to get less than what you'd get from the other classes just because of the range alone. Enemies deal more damage than you, have more defense than you, have more range and ranged options than you, and honestly the fact that nearly every enemy has decent range makes it difficult just to get in without getting hit by a random shot that takes 20% of your health away instantly. At  best you get hit once and lose a bit of health just trying to jump in, at worst it cancels your air attack and you get nothing out of it. Melee just doesnt have enough defense or deals enough damage for the danger you have to put yourself into which kinda forces you to play hit and run where your time to kill is so absurdly long that magic or bows would have finished the fight in a fraction of the time. Even if you were to play multiplayer and factor in the extra allies I don't imagine tanking in this game is any fun with how quick you die and how fast your stamina breaks.

seems like the platform that was there in previous versions has been removed. had to launch a previous version to do that and then save and quit and go back to the current version.

Bonnie just standing at the door for half a minute kills me nearly every attempt at night 6. Seems to always happen at least once a night if not twice. It really is just constantly rolling the dice until you get nothing but instant leaves like chica does.

I keep shutting the right door in night 5 to stop freddy while I check the cams and she just keeps going through the door. Not really sure how to defend against her since she just decides when to attack straight from the kitchen. I've lost so many times despite having this door closed while checking the cams and she's just eating in the corner and immediately attacks without warning.

Would love to experience it if it didn't crash after a minute or two.

You should try a similar build that I forgot to take a pic of but its the same idea. Put your whetstone in one of the corners and then line up the entire row and column with shivs and hatchets. Getting that legendary shield and surrounding it lets you build up damage with some early safety shielding. Just remember to not take armor if you take hatchets since it reduces their damage but that was a pretty fun run that also died to poison on the second run through. You lose out on the AOE the machetes offer but you also get way more bag space to keep spices and consumables to heal up with.

fire isnt as bad as poison. fire is countered by shields so you can mitigate the damage assuming you have adequate shielding by the time you reach the third level. Honestly if you can't deal with the fire geckos by either overpowering them or have the health pool and shielding needed to survive then you're probably not gonna beat the final boss either with whatever build you have.

Poison definitely is a run killer at times, though. I don't know if it really needs a nerf but it would be nice to have more options on cleansing it because you either are lucky enough to have the rag and weapons to trigger it or just keep a couple potions on you that clear your status effects. I've never made it past the snakes on a second run because they stack poison so highly and have such huge health pools. Something to reduce fire would also be nice, even if its less dangerous since it can be blocked.

I believe kom has said that he might add a gallery mode to allow you to play just the animations. otherwise you can just use the handsfree code to enable auto play. Just press / at the main menu to bring up the console.

It's basically a puzzle game where you can't see any of the values in any of the information given. It's really not very fun just fucking around until you figure something out and seeing the game over screen 10+ times until you realize what's happening. Everything about the design feels counter intuitive because you have to spend trust points to restock but you literally cant afford to restock if you're trying to progress so if you fuck up you just don't make any progression at all. I realized there's a pattern with how much she says want's to drink and the combination of drinks you can do but once again isn't all that fun spending trust points to get a win to get back the point you just spent or trying to find a new combination with what you have and losing the point anyway. The concept is there, though. I feel like with more mechanics and depth this could go somewhere. Also not a fan of the cryptic shit just because. I'd rather just see the content than be given a scavenger hunt.

(1 edit)

Also can't get past the start and honestly I don't see a "Next" button anywhere. Switching it to fullscreen shows all the buttons that are hidden though so obviously the size of the window isnt working correctly with and all that stuff is cut off completely playing from the tab itself.