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A member registered Aug 24, 2022

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(1 edit)

First off thanks for reverting the august updates, the game is a lot more fun now.  Just wondering will you ever add other payment methods like google pay?, It would be much appreciated as I would then spend money on this game. Would you also consider running the shop and crucible/boss fights more often?. Also running 2 deck events together, since there is so many decks now it can take months before you get to the event with the deck/girls you want, would be nice if this could be sped up some how like running 2 events at once. One last thing, will you ever let us get our Viagra back to put into a different potion or so, as of right now if you make a mistake or want to try a different deck or strategy you cant it kind of limits gameplay a bit.

I know its not very constructive but as many have said revert the August update and work from there, make little updates that don't mess the game up so much.  I am not a paying player because what is this epoch payment solutions crap?, they have tons of bad reviews and people even say they give your details away and can constantly charge you unknowingly. Now maybe that isn't fully true but would you trust them with the bad reviews they have?, I know I wont why can't you use like google pay?  a company that is trusted and has good reviews and doesn't rip people off. Another reason I won't spend anything on this game other than this update that has ruined the fun of the game for me is what is with the over priced crap and blatant bad advertising?, I mean 1 mystic card ONE in a  pack the price apparently $999.99?????? but its all good because you constantly have a price reduction all year round because you are lying about these prices and its actually ONLY $99.99, OMG look how much money your saving! I must spend because that is the deal of a life time!. Seriously nothing in this game should be more than $20 and I bet if your mystic packs were $20 you'd have a ton more players and customers that would make up for those silly rich players that actually pay them stupid prices only to become over powered at the game and quit after a few months anyway. More players will always be better than a few that spend big if I have a game with one player that spends $10,000 a month on it that is not a successful game or business yeah it might look good but then when that player quits then what? you're screwed.

Rather than trying to make people have to pay to play (nobody wants to be forced to pay to play a game) make content more accessible and give paying players a benefit to help them a long quicker e.g. event quest skip tokens, extra gold, cards or chest timer reduction for a certain amount of day/s if you spend $1, $2,$5,$10 or $20 on the game people would still have incentives to pay.