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A member registered Aug 21, 2018

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Eu gostaria de traduzir, provavelmente seria legal passar todas as ações de senas de sexo para por, problema seria todos botões, itens, abilidades etc. 

Outro problema que eu teria que ver o código p saber como é onde estão esses textos p saber se estão fáceis de acessar ou N e se o jogo aceitaria numa boa caracteres especiais do português como ç e outros. 

Eita tem mais br aki hauhauua

if u r patron and u use it u dont lose food

in is impocible to satisf goblin as oral? i licked this goblin ball like 10000x times and noting lol

I took about minotaurs This days, cause The toy vendor use Bull cun on you, so why NOT if U have The goblin eggs and get the Bull cun U make a minotaur xD

Im at 85,9% is geting Hard to find more any one can help me? I need to know how to do some events like:



Ogre surprise

Ogre grabed

Monthfild high dignity

Forced camp

All tipes of events with "healing..." 

Gatgetter bals

And alot more xD

Did any one got 100%? Im Tring to get it but im At 80 and is geting to Hard to know how to get more, like wtf is "healing-analigus-..." ? I see alot of that in unsen eventos like "healing-analingus-cage " i need to have The Cage i know but do what and were? XD

Dont remenber now what CG stands for, but He is tal King about The sex sens fron The monsters that are in the pervert, He want tô unlock all.