We'll keep this post up-to-date with known issues. If you have any issues running the game or encounter problems during gameplay, let us know here - if you have a crash, the game produces an error.txt file which would help in diagnosing it, so please post some of the error.txt text with your post if that happens, thanks!
Current known crash bugs:
- If the profile file (gamePath/.toa-data/profile.json) cannot be created on the game's first load because it's in an admin-protected folder or is being accessed by another program (Dropbox folders being a major source of this - you can use selective syncing to fix that issue at least) - the game will crash. One option is to manually create the folder with the file - the file's contents should be {"enemyKnowledge": { } }
- Some machines have an issue running the Win64-bit version of the game - solved by downloading the Win32-bit version.
- Some machines seem to have issues when they don't have an OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card driver. No solution currently.
We'll keep this up to date with any crash bugs or odd behavior that we're unable to reproduce/fix in the following version. The old thread has been archived so that it's easier to search for your issue here!