You already did something for me - releasing a good game for Linux ;-)
Recent community posts
No, i don't want a refund - it's an early access game. And i love the concept of it!
I tried v7.17 today on 2 Linux machines - still the same problem. I tried any graphic options and resolutions
Also, i notices that some stats aren't right. For example: the temperature on the first island is 5950°C. Also the stats of leaves etc. are very different from the windows version (all have 5 suns, etc.).
For the windows-version, it was exactly the problem you described - it works fine with all other animals.
The Linux-Version is completely broken.
Graphics are glitchy (missing things) and you cant complete even the first scenario, as you cant put leaves on your plant (just an example).
I tried the windows version in wine - this works, but has a massive frame rate drop when putting your first animal (~1 fps).
Tested the Linux version on 3 PC's with 3 diffenrent distributions (LFS, Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 7)
The same for v7.13 and v7.15