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A member registered May 02, 2024

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It didn’t happen when I went back into the character list shortly afterwards after the scene had finished, so possibly I was looking at a scene from the tail end of the previous update and the variable was created when I got to the first season two scene.

I loaded my end-of-season-1 save in season 2 chapter 1, and encountered an exception when trying to look at the second page of the character list (as I thought it’d be a good idea to remind myself who everyone was). stats__lore.rpy line 38 refers to succubus_incountered, which isn’t defined. I guess that’s a typo and the real variable name is succubus_encountered with an e instead of an i.

Regarding issues with characters running out of abilities or softlocks during combat:

It was very difficult to trigger those issues on my end, but I feel like some other changes in the code related to similar issues may have fixed those. With luck, they wont happen again, but let me know if they do!

They do. In fact, it’s effectively worse than before as you used to be able to banish the invader via the cheat menu to recover from the soft lock, and now if you do that, after combat, the camera will be left stuck in battle mode. You can then get it back to normal by interacting with a character, but then in the next combat, the camera will be stuck in the wrong room.

In case it helps narrow things down, the soft lock happens after the combat log says your turn has started, and it’s just that the UI elements that are supposed to be present during your turn, i.e. the cards, inventory and next turn buttons, don’t appear.