Yeah, that caught me off guard back when I started playing. I couldn't capture zombies and didn't know why.
Recent community posts
Agree. I don't like turn based games because they feel super sluggish to me. This one is different though. You don't have to wait around watching the enemy make their move. All actions happen as soon as you choose to do something. The gameplay is as fast as your planning and strategy is.
There's also the fact that while bondage is the central focus of the game, it's clear to me that even more work and thought went into the gameplay and lore. It kinda feels like a Bethesda RPG but without the dialogue (for the most part) and with randomly generated maps instead. This is not an insult because Bethesda RPGs are known to have extremely addictive and replayable gameplay. I myself sunk maybe over 1000 hours into Skyrim alone.
I've tried to get into this game so many times (and Ero Dungeons too), because it looks so awesome, but the combat just confuses me every time and I get my ass kicked whenever there are 4 enemies to fight.
The "unit position" bar confuses me the most. Whenever I move, it seems almost random as to where the unit will move to, and there's kind of a mental discrepancy because I see the characters at one position in the main battle screen (each team facing the other), but they're not actually at that position (they're all mixed and between each other, or even on top of another (?)).
I want to play this game so much, but maybe I'm too stupid to enjoy the combat.
Nice one. Took me a good 20 - 30 minutes to complete. Really liked the dark cyberpunk-ish vibes. And I loved the ending message "typing up" the whole bondage theme, heheh.
Also, I know you designed the game with this switch-switch gameplay in mind, but I think the gameplay would feel much faster if one girl could be controlled with WASD and the other one with the Arrow keys or IJKL like those old Flash local coop browser games.
In my opinion, the animation is too weak right now. Previously, the animations got more desperate and faster as oxygen depleted, kicking her legs and wiggling a lot. She doesn't move much now. And she's very quiet too. Before, she was only this quiet while gagged, which was also kinda boring because she didn't make like muffled sounds while gagged either.
But I do like that now her arms contract like that, as that's what happens when oxygen is cut off from the brain. And the facial expressions are much better too.
Game creators are inherently creative people. Creative people like to tell stories even when the main purpose is to create porn. That's why most fetish art has dialog or even a short narrative.
For example, Skyrim has quite a few bondage mods. Every item and quest in those mods has a bit of lore, even when it's not necessary at all. They just like writing those lore bits.
Hi! I just started playing the game and I've played for like 4 hours straight already. A procedurally generated game with a focus on bondage is something I've always dreamed of. Not only that but highly customizable gameplay options, robust character creation, AND with mod support to boot? I'll certainly buy it soon.
Anyway, I just wanted to ask if there are any plans to support non 16:9 displays? I have 21:9 monitor and all the games I play have ultrawide support. It would be nice to, for example, see the log on top of the screen being broken into less lines or having to do less horizontal scrolling in menus for example.
I completely understand if this isn't even a planned feature at all and I'll be buying the game regardless.