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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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We were planning on those kinds of marks, but ran out of time to get all the art in ^^'

Thanks for playing it! There's a bit more depth to it when trying to go for a high score ;)

I'm afraid that's not possible. We've had to rework quite a bit of the level and dialogue data for our own engine, both of which make it very hard to migrate a save file.

(1 edit)

The instructions are located on the download page, but I'll reproduce them here for you.

For the portable version, you need to install the .NET 6 runtime for your platform(from Microsoft's website), then run `dotnet AnodyneSharp.dll` from within a terminal in the game's installation directory.

This is the best we can do for Mac users, since we don't have Apple hardware ourselves to build+sign an executable.

You can thank for that. She made the art in the original, we've only changed a few small things here and there.

There's a link to our github in the more info tab on this page ^^

Thank you! I'm glad you like it ^^