Dang, not sure how that happened, ill fix it today
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Fixed all of them. Likely going to push a hotfix update in roughly 4-5 hours, when i get back home.
Thanks for the feedback! Its really helpful.
Grim Danse over Grim Dance.
Special is a tag that was planned to be introduced by the recent update of Maleghast/Games for Freaks. It didnt actually make the cut to final version, but it helps order some things and I added it before GFF vol 1. came out fully, so i am going to keep it.
Hollowity is intentional because it sounds funny.
Hi! Thanks for detailed feedback. I am a bit busy as of recent, working on commissions.
I thought I fixed upgrades referencing non-existant abilities, so ill take a look at it. I did fear the lustrebeast might end up too tanky, so I will also ponder on this one too.
As to necromancer tankiness, I think I would disagree?
I think grasping branch is relatively justified in its function and I havent seen it actually perform particularly well.
Candles being created on 2 hp might be interesting, if you want to playtest it, id say that you can try running glimwights as creating candles at 2, but the logic here was that a 2 hp candle that decays might be too fragile in practice - def needs testing.
Making the candles on tts i didnt feel like they were particularly shakey, do you experience that with my candles of the ones with effects added by frawg?