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Sergio Rodrigues-Madruga

A member registered Dec 04, 2022

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(1 edit)

GOD I love this Mod !

I have some things to talk about but first, I find that this is the most professional one out there. The progression route is actually quite obvious, incredible 2D and 3D ship designs, module designs too. I also LOVE the ridiculous amount of damage the superweapons deals, like, we're talking about Millions... Even millions of millions sometimes 馃槀 (except the Star Emitter and Nova Protector, but we don't about them...)

Apart from that, there is one or two things that I'm quite mad with and it's the fact that there are hidden ships that are currently unobtainable (Hexion, Thorn, Delta Super) and also I noticed that the Player's Bawr is different and smaller than the AI's. I am just telling you that as a ship collector as I love having all the existing ships of a Mod and when I realised it I was quite upset.

Also, I've read that you mentioned the Obliterator and the Prism are just to bully players. I might be repeating another comment but what's the point of adding impossible Bosses ?

I know that you said you might add Superbosses in the future, but from now it would be cool just to make them harder, but beatable, after what you have a small chance of getting the ship. What do you think ? 馃

But yeah, these were just small things I wanted to point out, because I can say that this Mod you created is incredible.

Thank you for answering. 馃憤

You can't actually find the exact distance a Faction starts appearing but you can just guess it like you did for the Swarm.

(1 edit)

By far the best EH mod I played. The designs, the powerful factions and absurd Ms (even Bs) of damage. But something I still don't get is WHY we can fight the Obliterator and Prism if it literally is impossible ??

Including with my maxed out Bawr with heavy armor, 30 speed and Galactron-750 I can't beat them. I mean... What's the point of fighting them if we can't beat them. Plus, I hate when we can't get those ships on the Tech Tree (even the Player Bawr is different than the enemy's).

Anyway, incredible mod. I just hope you make an update that lets us have those ships (the Hexion and Thorn too).