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A member registered May 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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This was a fun little platformer.  I really liked the dark atmosphere.

Super fun!  In the beginning I thought it was bugged haha.

The spin and glide feel really good.  Was satisfying when I finally got to explode the guy at the end.  Also the lighting and textures really make it pop, definitely gunna play around next game jam.  

Had the same issue as abnormal.  I think you did an excellent job with mechanic progression, had a good pace.  I especially loved "spikier spikes" haha.

My computer was not having a good time running it, but I like the idea.

No entiendo español pero me divertí hasta que el minotauro me aniquiló.

(1 edit)

Played the version on your other itch page.  Really creepy atmosphere, the screen popping up was only annoying because of how little hp you have lol.  At the end the audio kinda got stuck which made it even creepier haha.

The art is really nice, like the animation of the sword slash.  Really like the background spritework in particular.

For some reason windows didn't want me to run it?  Got a pop-up saying it prevented an unrecognized app from starting.

Looks really good.  My computer can't really handle it so I didn't get to play too much.

I love milk.  I really like when people go for a silly idea, looking forward to seeing what you make in other jams.

Awesome art.  The gameplay is a really fun idea, the game doesn't fit on my screen great so it took me a while to see that there was a goblin I had to hit haha.   The game is pretty difficult, but I got through most of the levels eventually.  Couldn't unlock the lock at the end with the key, but I did push him all the way there.

Turned out great!  I had to change load("start_screen.png") to load(path + "start_screen.png") on line 274, in case anyone else had that bug.

YO I love the art.  Also love the music, I feel like it gives it a good vibe.

I love the atmosphere.  Getting some yume nikki vibes from the music too.

Hi, not too experienced with full games, I mostly do little projects to make stuff I find interesting.  I've done a little bit of spritework but I'd love to get some tips, and I could teach the team how to use github and godot if you don't have any experience with those.  This would be my first jam (unless I've done a jam between this post and the deadline).  I'm in the PixelJam discord as Peepo if you want to chat.  I'm just looking to finish a game, doesn't have to be the best thing ever, so if you don't have a lot of experience that's fine.

I've been working in godot lately, looking to make something with some other people.  I mostly just hop from idea to idea so I'd love to work on something more solid where I can just work on stuff that other people think would be cool.  I made a thread in the jam's discord if you want to respond there.