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A member registered Sep 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you a lot!

Thank you for the feedback! It is true that the text can get boring but I made every single level and its "narration" within the last day and I really had no time to figure out a cut scene system or something of the sort, but I may revisit the project whenever we're allowed to change it.


Thanks a lot!

Thank you very much!

Thank you for the feedback! I have had some complaints about the powerup system so i'll have to look into it

Thank you very much!

Thank you so much for the feedback, I've had other comments about the controls, would you have any ideas about how to improve them?

Thank you so much!

Thank you very much! The music is original but my friend may have taken inspiration somewhere else.

thank you!

(2 edits)

Yep, I thought it was an error on the build but it turned out to be fixable in the settings, thanks for the comment! You can now experience it as good as intended!

(2 edits)

[Fixed!] In the browser version the menus dont load properly and the camera view has shriked, but if you like it you can download the game for free for the full experience!

I really love the artstyle and the mood in general, I got some bugs but it's alright, I can't imagine myself making this in 5 days and not having bugs .

 please consider checking out my game too!

I love the artstyle and your twist on the jam's theme.

 please consider checking out my game!

Cool game though I would have liked to play more.

Please consider checking out mine!

I love your twist on the jam's theme, and  I got a weird satisfaction off of jumping super high with the jump leveld up, great game!

Please consider checking out mine as well!

cool concept

Thank you for playing!

The title speaks for itself