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A member registered Jul 06, 2021

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Yes, I have an account, and thank you for the key.

By the way, I'm Ferny on Discord.


It is a good idea to be able to choose the objective of the mission.
Something that still happens to me very rarely and randomly is the problem with the lights. Although now the NPCs do turn on the light, but not when they walk near one for the first time.
And well, I'll ask you in case I have any difficulties.

What is not clear to me is the size of things, but now it is easier to show you a level with the visual editor.

It more accurately represents the levels how one imagines them.

I don't know how to answer you, but I'll show you what my level looks like.

I will check one more time before posting a link.

I don't want what's inside the walls to look empty.

True, very true. It is better to have the freedom to choose how to increase skills.

But I would like to know if you have improved the position of the objects.  Less vacuum.

It seems easy to use, I like it.

(1 edit)

I can finish the game (with initial skills), but I try to finish the levels with the bonus objectives.

But, You can force the player to increase that skill through an unskippable tutorial (by entering that menu and increasing it).

I have my modified text level, I can show it to you or wait for the visual level editor and create it myself.

I hope I explained myself well

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I have difficulties in the missions in the following aspects:

Not knowing the new levels.

The visibility range (a skill that can be increased).

I will start again, trying not to skip the tutorials, to find out if there are any aspects that hinder progress.

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I've been playing without skill upgrades, and it's very difficult that way.

Now, I upgrade some skills, reducing the difficulty a bit. : )

I understand the symbols, and I would like to play that level.

It is appropriate to add more objects so that it does not look so empty.

And yes, I will make some modifications

It is an excellent idea about the coins.

I just was confused by the size of the statues and tables, still, I'm glad you considered the visual aspect of the text levels.

I love his opening game music. : )

I've been playing around a bit and realized that I imagined certain objects to be larger than they actually are.

It is convenient to add an example of the text level together with the image of the result to avoid confusion (for new users).

The level I have created is a test level, I have done it to see how it works.

I now realize that there is only the starting position in the open world levels.

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I have created my level, now I would like to see how it looks. This way I can identify if there are errors or make changes.

Document in Drive

I didn't think of a name and I don't have it yet, I hadn't thought about it. T T

I liked that the level was as I imagined it.

Yes, it is better because it gives more freedom to create a level, and yes, it is more complicated to understand how to create a level, but I made a table with the symbols to understand better.  
I will create a larger level than the previous one.

Hello, this is my first attempt to create a level.

I know that I was able to do better, even so, I do it this way, I hope it is as I imagine it, if so, I will be able to create a much more difficult and complete level.

I hope it can be created correctly.

I'm glad you liked the suggestion. I consider a free version with the features you suggest more convenient.

I consider the short and clear ending more convenient, even so, you can add an option (in the menu or at the end of the game) to continue, infinite challenges / skills or something like that.

I consider that each character has a different objective in the last mission, but that in some way they connect with that of the other characters, in this way they will all escape at the same time.

Or each one will have a different ending ?????

With the objective you mentioned, you can even connect them, by obtaining an object that serves for a task of the last level (not used at some point).

I have some doubt, but I don't know how to explain, so I'll wait until the update to see if it persists.

(1 edit)

It's a big change, I imagined it differently, I like it.

It is normal for that guard to wake up if we enter through that door (I forgot this part before.).

The ranges part seems fine to me, but my question is: does increasing the ranks reduce the time it takes us to do some tasks like sabotage, extinguish lights, or something in that aspect?

You don't necessarily need to shorten your introduction, you can simply add an icon to skip that part or one that speeds it up, that's to your consideration.

The 4 options you mention are fine, it would be fine if every time we finish with a character, we unlock an option, I still do not decide well in what order (1,3,4,2 or 2,1,3,4).

But I also like to have total freedom by simply ending up with one of the 4 characters, which in any case would be your fourth point, but I would like to know what you think.

If we create a level, it will have a specific place where it is saved, I ask if they can be shared with other people.

Could we increase the rank with the gold we get?

I would recommend that it was just a hiding place, I wanted to go from one side to the other and get stuck.

And other mistakes that I could not capture, which happened when trying several times, in the same mission.

I agree with what you mention the skills of the characters, in addition to the game being balanced with the guards, according to the character we choose. It's better than my idea that I couldn't mention to you before.

And I am interested in the mechanics of the ranks to be able to unlock new levels, excellent idea, I would like to try it.

It also occurred to me to add a story, but I never knew exactly what it would be about or how to add it. But if you added one, I guess we'd have to capture, confront or something like that “the boss or traitor” depending on how the story is. In the aspect of developing the story I do not think it is of much help, I am sorry, but, even so, I will try to give some ideas.

Answering your question, they are good ideas to keep playing. And what is the custom game option for?

Me agrada que menciones que hacer con respecto a los errores de las partidas guardadas, espero que me funcione ^^

It sounds good and fair to have the guard near the trap so that the targets are maintained. By the way, if you will add the one who repairs the traps as you mentioned???

Well, if I considered that the guards could free themselves, I had to be more specific in that aspect, I'm sorry.

I find it interesting to unlock a random skin and be able to play.

The skills you mentioned work, I thought I turned off the lights or knocked out faster, but I think that will depend on how the game develops, what you think of this.

I never thought you would add this extra character until you had a full first version, sorry, but I just wanted you to consider it as a suggestion.

It sounds great to add new hiding places, but hiding under beds would only work if there is no guard sleeping. The problem I see is that we will knock out the guard (followed by hiding), and if by chance another helps him it would be difficult to escape, as he is no longer asleep.

Ok, maybe the mistake affected me only.

• The part of sabotaging a trap sounds interesting, I hadn't thought about it. It occurred to me that at the level of prison escape that you are going to add, you can lock some guard in some cell, this mechanic can be useful for the creation of other levels.

• Yes, I consider it a bit bad block 2 characters, but it's not what I meant.

I meant that it was optional to get the extra character. But now I'm also considering that for some players it might be difficult to get it. It can work as you propose.

• Yes, I mean a level like the first two mission, this being the last level.

No guard turns it on when it goes out, I think it happened when you moved the one who was asleep in that place. But yes, it happened in this version (3.1).

Hi, I wanted to ask you what kind of suggestions are the ones you are looking for, since I thought I would add a city and forest level in which they asked for 100% of the gold, or maybe add a character that can be unlocked and has a skill that facilitates the game (example: finishing all the levels with the characters with 100% of the gold in each level).

P: I found this, it's not important, but I found it.

Ok I'll be reporting you if I find more bugs in the game, including screenshots if I can.

This is a bug, the bed locks a door.

If it helps, thank you very much, but now the guards close the doors when they pass near one, and if I am in the middle of one I get stuck, you could correct this please. That didn't happen to me in the previous version, at any level of the game.

jeje, me encanto el juego aunque me costo mucho el ultimo nivel.

me gustaría que cada que se pase un nivel la energía apareciera completa.

Don't worry, you can still keep playing if you omit it, I'll write it in the error document for correction.

Okey, the reason I asked is because I thought I had caused that mistake by moving certain parameters to the game (A = Options) and not having been able to reset them all as they should be, but now I know that it's not just happening to me.

Did it happen to you with Akiyoshi?

I loved reading this novel a lot as it was very entertaining, although I must admit that with Jun it was very sad and it was  something  I didn't expect to happen with him on the 26th.

Also, something I like too much is that Jun becomes the protagonist at a certain point.


I would add as a curiosity that if they end it by the bad ending with Jun the background music of the beginning changes, although I do not know if anyone else has done so since the autosguards  that I had more advanced with it were removed in the PC version.

The game is fine just needed the tutorial of how to knock out the guards, take a while to understand how to do it.