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A member registered Jul 24, 2018

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Then hopefully a menu slider will be added eventually that alters this, something similar to the futa and man spawn chance slider. Right now with 66% of npcs being either teen or child just makes them too common.

@Strive4Power There's no bug I think, just pretty much what Kyler2 said. I'm just complaining about the age odds on new npcs. 

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Here's some suggestions that I think should be added on children.

  • A slider in the options menu that changes how often specific ages spawn. In my manor I have 20 slaves and only 5 of them are adults... Which I find a bit annoying at times. And yes, I'm not even using the childlike option either. It just currently feels like 70% of the slaves I meet are either teens or children.
  • I don't think children should spawn as bandits(or bandit leaders lol) at all as they're just children.
  • Most children races(not races like demons) start with a trait that gives something similar to weak/frail and coward, and goes away at teen. It won't return when using youthing elixir on a teen.  I just think normal children should be weaker and not a smart move to bring in combat or use in jobs like hunting.

But yeah, I think first suggestion is most important. Would appreciate it if someone tells me which file to edit to change child spawn chance.

I'll be releasing an update with better file names in about 2 weeks or so with 100-200 more images. 

Probably going to be using Portrait Pack Editor to manage this pack. It names files into this structure:

<races>\<genders>\<ages>\<hair colors> <Skin colors> <tit sizes> <ass sizes> <custom text> #.ext

Should be fine if you rename your images based on that.

Yeah, multi-portrait editing in that manner and changing color to red for non-standard colors is a good idea too. Same with sticking portrait above the body image as well.

A filter/tags browse search feature would actually be nice too. A way to find all images in pack that matches the tags you're searching for.

No teens falling back onto loli would still match better than no teens falling onto everything. Or are you saying that would end up making every image not tagged as adult fall onto loli as well? 

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Nice, that was quick. I already tested this out on a couple images, really liking it so far and definitely going to be using this on my pack.

Including sorting the race list alphabetically you mentioned here's some other suggestions you might want to add if it isn't too difficult, to make things more convenient.

I think some attributes should be grayed out based on selected race since they won't appear with those attributes in Strive. So you don't have to look through scripts, Kazama already posted a sheet here in what hair colour and skin-tone each race supports.

That entire upper right image selection box will be better if moved to the left or right of attributes selection. For bigger selection to select portraits from and won't have to scroll much.

Maybe a way to select attributes for multiple images through shift clicking or something?

Looking forward to it then. Don't really want to try manually renaming 1700+ images in my pack again to remove the extra tags with windows alone lol.

Want to also ask since my pack right now has no teens and not planning to update anytime soon if you can add in portrait script that if there are no teens then it'll choose one of loli. 

Portraits and bodies folder goes in %appdata%>Roaming>Strive

>First off you are adding the same tag multiple times to the images by putting them inside a folder named after their race and then giving them said race name in their file name as well. Remember the mod loads the whole image path not just its name. 

Oh, I thought script just ignored folder names? Not really a big issue anyways as it still works. I'll be changing folder names anyways next time I update this.

>The second thing I noticed is that you have folders named after colors inside the race folders. This is also 100% ok right now since the mod is not filtering for eyeColor. But when it does (if it ever does) it may cause conflicts. To make things easier, future proof and aesthetically pleasing (in my opinion) I believe the best approach would be to add the color tags within the image name and nowhere else. 

Shouldn't cause any conflicts and I won't be adding eye color tags to images as that'll take forever to do. 

>Third thing I noticed was within the Human folder. Several multiple tags again and unquestionable teens that do not have the Teen tag anywhere. I checked a couple more files that also have this problem and Im sure theres quite a lot more. This really is an issue since the mod will load these images as adults.

None of the images should have the teen tag yet either since the previous script I had which I was going to use at first along with this pack had the loli = teen+child and with the few teen looking girls in adult humans pack thought they leaned more towards adult tag than loli. I'll be adding teen tag onto images next update though.  For now I'll ask Kyler2 if he can add in his script that if there's no teen images then it'll load one from loli. 

>Fourth problem is that you are adding multiple conflicting tags to the images. Even forgetting the folder names for a moment, you still have conflicting tags within the image name itself. Take this example:"Lamia Blond TitsL TitsH SkinL SkinT AssS AssM AssL AssH (1).png". I believe the mod gives different weight values which increase as the attribute goes darker/bigger and only the last one loaded (in this case would be TitsH for tits, SkinT for skin and AssH for ass) count. Or it might count all of them and keep adding weight values turning this into a much bigger of a mess. If you check the file I just mentioned you will notice the girl clearly doesnt have neither huge tits nor a small ass. Simply put, in my opinion, you shouldnt be giving multiple different tags for the same attribute. Pick one for skin, one for ass, etc...

I already mentioned on main post I'll be improving image descriptions eventually. 

Currently they're named like that because the script I had before didn't have any attribute weight feature and so I had more tags added in image name so it would have chance to load something similar since there aren't many pics that cover those sizes.  They'll still match anyways(90% of the time lol) , so it's not really that big an issue. 

>Yet another thing I noticed, and once again not really a problem in the present, is that you are not tagging other attributes such as horns and tails.

I won't be adding eye color, horns, wings, or tails tags to images anytime soon. Especially not eyes, as that'll take forever. 

Thanks. Is your pack going to be mostly furries? Pretty hard to find some decent furry renders. 

Yeah, I ran it through an image compressor(no quality loss). Used to be 1 gig+

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This pack requires Improved Random Portraits 

Download and install that first for images to match slave/npc hair colour, skin-tone, boobs, and butt size. 

This pack already contains mostly everything from LeLurker's , Butler's, Scars Unseen, and AK|Phantom's pack + 1000~ other open source pics I found in internet and edited to work with Strive. All female pics with transparent background, most in 720p-1080p. 

In total 3557 files: 1779 portraits + 1778 body-images. Size 359 MB.


Beauty Pack V1 - 8.25.18

Portrait and bodies folder goes in %appdata%\Roaming\Strive

Let me know if you guys find any typos so I can fix it. 

Will eventually update again and add more images and improve descriptions 


Also, I don't own any of the images contained in this pack, contact me here if you're the artist of any of these images and want it removed. 

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I'm going to try releasing my pack today in a few hours. It's already at 3,385 files now and folder size is just 340 mb :)  Was testing it out last night with Kyler2's mod too and the body-image button does cause the game to freeze with how many files it's trying to load so would have to use the random portrait button feature instead to change your portraits + body images. I only tested this early game too so not sure how it'll act with many npcs, when many portraits are trying to be loaded. 

Omg yess, please make that portrait pack manager app

Finally got around to testing your mod out last night and really loved it. Especially your random portrait button feature which strive really needed if you're running a very large portrait pack. Was actually planning to open a suggestion thread for one to be added but now I don't need to :)

Can you include the tags in the script I posted above as well? Like LargeBreasts and TitsL = Large Breasts.  Think descriptive tags will make filenames pretty large too.  Like for some races I can't find images that covers every butt size for their tit size, hair color, etc. So some files are named like, "Dragonkin Blond TitsM SkinT AssM AssL AssH (1)" but with descriptive tags it would be, "Dragonkin Blond BreastsLarge BreastsHuge LightSkin AverageButt LargeButt HugeButt (1)" Just think shorter tags will make it easier to manage. I also don't feel like renaming 3100+ files again x.x

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Finding renders online, editing and resizing them with photoshop, creating portraits, renaming them.  Definitely no small feat lol. Been working on it for 3 weeks, something at first I thought it would only take me a weekend to do.

Also, It wasn't me who made the script, it was a user named "1" from another forums site(piracy site, can't post). He's also the one who made the script in AK|Phantom's pack, in that thread where I found out about him. I was just the one who pmed requested those tags/filters and he updated it.

I thought about asking to add the extra skin-tones for the other races too but didn't since it's only those races that has those skin tones. Like no other races but Dryad, Orcs, and Goblins have green skin tone so we thought race tag good enough to cover that.

I'll be happy to be use  Kyler2's script as well when he updates it with the new tags.

I'm using the updated version of 1's script, from same guy who made the original script that AK|Phantom uses in his pack.!w0kgyCDJ!pp_Br56JBqM2NJp-skzJIP-XoepfB-qjc8qxT2bytWo

These are the tags/filters the script uses. What my pack images names based on.

Sex: ["Male", "Futa"] or ignore = Female Age: ["Loli"] or ignore = Adult Races: ["Human", "Elf", "DarkElf", "Orc", "Drow","BeastkinCat", "BeastkinWolf", "BeastkinFox", "BeastkinTanuki", "BeastkinBunny", "HalfkinCat", "HalfkinWolf", "HalfkinFox", "HalfkinTanuki", "HalfkinBunny", "Taurus", "Demon", "Seraph", "Gnome", "Goblin", "Centaur", "Lamia", "Arachna", "Scylla", "Slime", "Harpy", "Dryad", "Fairy", "Nereid", "Dragonkin"] Hair_Colour: ["White", "Green", "Purple", "Blue", "Blond", "Red", "Auburn", "Brown", "Black"] Breasts_Size: ["TitsS", "TitsM", "TitsL", "TitsH"] where: TitsS = "masculine", "flat", "small"; TitsM = "average"; TitsL = "big"; TitsH = "huge" Skin_Tone: ["SkinL", "SkinT", "SkinD"] where: SkinL = "pale", "fair"; SkinT = "olive", "tan"; SkinD = "brown", "dark" Butt_Size: ["AssS", "AssM", "AssL", "AssH"] where: AssS = "masculine", "flat", "small"; AssM = "average"; AssL = "big"; AssH = "huge"

Tags priority are in this order: Sex->Age->Race->Hair_Colour->Breasts_Size->Skin_Tone->Butt_Size->Natural_Selection

Images are going to be named like, "Human Loli Blond TitsS TitsM SkinL AssS AssM (1).png"

My pack is already pushing 3100+ files and still haven't tested it at this big. File size is less than AK Phantom's though with most images being hi-res. But, if it lags or freezes then an optimized script for it that caches sounds nice. 

I only know for Skin Tone and Hair Colour. 

Humans - Pale, Fair, Olive, Tan.
Dark Elfs - Tan, Brown, Dark.
Dryad, Orcs, Goblins - only Green skin.
Slime - Jelly.
Drow and Nereid - only Blue, Pale blue, Teal, Purple.

Humans - Blond, Red, Auburn, Brown, Black.
Elf, Dark Elf, Drow, Fairy, Dragonkin, Lamia, Harpy, Arachna - White, Green, Purple, Blue, Blond, Red, Auburn.
Dryad - Green, Purple.
Slime - Jelly.

I'm almost done with a portrait+body image pack I've been making as well. Just a female pack that's  gonna include mostly everything from  AK Phantom's "All-In-One" pack,  Scar's Unseen's, Kazama's transparent ones, and many other body images and portraits that I made from renders I found on the web.  Currently has 2337 files, compared to AK Phantom's AIO 1693 files. Will work with a script that not only pulls images based on the slave's gender, race, and hair color but also breast size, skin tone, and butt size. Just need to finish with the beastskin races and lolis and also put it through an image compressor. 

Is it alright if I use some of the female renders on a pack I'm planning to release soon?

It goes in Strive for Power\files\scripts\characters folder

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Possible for you to add butt and breasts size load option to constructor script?

Edit: NVM, just found who made the script.