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A member registered Jan 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey!!!  Fun game to get into !! the parallax "space" effect is immersive, I found sometimes the red dots/bullets they did not cause damage. I liked the music and SFX a lot. Could add more bullet types or missile types. Like a heat seeking missile... there could be more explosion VFX. !!! Overall its fun to play!!

Hey Everyone!! 

My game was kinda unplayable. So i squashed and ate a bunch of bugs... 

Yeah!! heres my game,  would mean a lot if you could leave a comment.!! 

Hi PolyB, 

i tried to correct the Camera movement, i might have over corrected. I m still making improvements. The AI,  kinda had something going. Thank you for leaving a comment!! It means a lot!!  Cheers!! :) 

Thank you!!! :)  I had planned another simple level in nap. Basically the player naps something funny.  Skipped it for the jam submission. Godot physics  is a bit different. what i primarily did was increase GravityScale for this Rigidbody2D. Increasing weight or mass alone dint   much of a difference. 

Thank you so much!!! i spent good amount of time doing the dialogue. it was fun making!! :)

(1 edit)

Hi, thank you for going through my game!!! :) i had planned another level with Sam character in the nap button. I decided to keep it simple get the first level ready for the jam. i have been thinking of a bunch of ideas to put it there. :) 

Thank you so much for checking this out!!! i had fun while test it out. I found it hard to complete while testing... :D i tried to optimize the spawn point so can spawn after lasers. It had a mind of it own. :)