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A member registered Mar 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing! We are glad you enjoyed it!

I really liked your game! I'll like to see more patterns when with the bullets so they are less predictable. The main mechanic is really interesting and fun. It was a little confusing at first but you get the hold of it pretty fast. I loved the music! It made me go so into the game. Congratulations!

Movement felt really natural, art was absolutely beautiful! the effects and everything was satisfying to watch. Congratulations!

Nice game! really interesting and challenging! congratulations!

I really enjoy your game, I think the movement can be improved, specially when you fall from the jump. I loved the art, really nice animations. I'll suggest to explain a bit more of what objects do. I did't find what the hearts were for until really far into the level. Same happened with the bubbles, I still don't understand if they kill me, take life or anything. Overall good game! keep working on it! congratulations!

Really cool idea! I loved the movement and the lighting. Unfortunately I got the same errors than some people so I couldn't continue playing, but definitely going to give it a try by downloading it  when I get the chance. Congratulations!

Interesting idea, is really ambitious to create a 3D game alone for a game jam! congratulations for your effort! I hope you continue polishing it in a future.

Really fun game, the mechanic is pretty simple but challenging. Good job, you got my entire attention and made me realize how slow I am pressing buttons. I liked the fact that keys were easy to remember and it was easy to tell what distraction were you facing. Nice interpretation of the theme!

Amazing game! Ones of the best I've played at the moment. I really liked how you were smarter than me and you actually limited the number of rewinds I was able to do (yes, I tried just crazy interacting and rewinding, didn't work) congratulations! great work!

Nice game! I loved the animations and even when the jumping against the walls was a little funny, I had a lot of fun just climbing through walls so see if I was able to find any secret passages or something like that, probably a good thing to add in the future! congratulations!

I really liked your game! I would like to see a UI where I can see how much life I have left. Probably also something explaining me how the rewind works, as I was rewinding most of the time without actually understanding why I was rewinding, I just wanted to kill everything. I would also make clear the goal, is it reaching something? killing everything? surviving and scoring points? Things you can think about to continue working on the game! overall good game! congratulations!

I really liked the game! specially that I was able to track my high score so I tried my best to pass that line! Great job!

Nice game! You made me think a lot with the puzzles. Congratulations for your first jam! you have great future!

I loved that I was able to customize my character, nice touch! the mechanics are fun and challenging. I think I found a glitch on lvl2, where I took all the guards to the starting point and that took me to the next level. I think is a good idea to change the effect if you get caught, so the player understands that all the guards are going to chase you. Overall really good game! congratulations! 

Thank you! yes, we did the font for the title, I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks for playing! we hope you enjoyed it!

Soon Kai, soon ;) thanks for playing!

Really liked how you managed the story. A bit confusing first as I didn't know who to talk to first. I'll definitely come back and play it completely. Collisions can movement can improve, as I found myself stuck multiple times while pressing 2 buttons at the same time. Congratulations! 

Interesting combination! I really like the effect when you hit a slime. I think is a bit confusing how the mechanics work, but you can improve by more repetition for the new players. Nice work!

Really nice game and music! I think the shooting mechanic is introduced a bit too early, so next time I used it I didn't remember how to use it. Some things can be explained better but it is a good game overall! congratulations!

Really nice game! simple but still extremely interesting! I loved that you had multiple versions of yourself and you can used them while you were in the air. Congratulations!

Thank you!!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you for your review!

Thank you very much for your comment! Definitely good suggestions to work on, we'll keep improving on those aspects!

Really cool game, I enjoyed the mechanics and the movement feels so smooth. Congratulations!

Thanks for the advice, tried it again and the problem was that I (Jeam) was on the way hahaha Now I can say I love it 

Nice game! I was not able to keep my cars alive to be honest. I loved the car crashing animation

Really nice game, the mechanics are interesting and challenging. The puzzles got me thinking for a while. Congratulations! keep polishing it!

I'm in love with the art! it was extremely beautiful and it absolutely made want to be part of that world. I had some problems with the election of keys as I guess my computer took them as shot-cut and closed all the pages I had open. As a suggestion for the future, you can use keys that are closer to the ones the player is already using  such as QWES so it's also easier to control 

I liked the art and movement. Unfortunately I was not able to connect the first rope :c probably because I'm playing from a Mac, but from what I saw is a really cool idea!

Really fun, levels increase difficulty and I played for multiple times so you absolutely got my attention! congratulations!

Really fun, levels increase difficulty and I played for multiple times so you absolutely got my attention! congratulations!

Really interesting idea! congratulations! the jump is a bit difficult, not going to lie

Nice game, I'll recommend to give the player some hint on where to place the objects during the first levels, as it was a bit frustrating clicking all the screen and not being able to place the object where I wanted it. Overall great experience!

Really cool game, the art was beautiful and the mechanics are really interesting. It got me a bit frustrated I was not able to go through one part of the level, fur future development on it, probably play test the game with people that has never played before, take note on the parts they struggle the most, and probably use an UI like the menu giving a hint of how to manage that specific part of the level

Really interesting idea, I loved seeing how the mechanics are implemented and how fast it is for the player to understand what's being added