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A member registered May 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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awesome- thank you!

I know that the main jam page says no content restrictions (beyond Itch's own), but I figured better be safe than sorry; I typically work on NSFW Parody VNs, and actually had one in mind that I wanted to try to release by early April. So the timing kind of works out perfectly for me, haha. But I just wanted to be absolutely certain that that sort of thing is allowed. 

Obviously, it will be tagged, visibly marked as NSFW, and I always put an in-game splash screen warning about that sort of content. I don't want to surprise anybody. But if that's cool, I'd be very excited to participate! 

I'm about to start working on a premium update (Spoonful of Sugar: Porcelain Edition), and will keep this in mind as an option! 

That’s one I’m definitely mulling over— always a popular choice. It’s a little tricky cause right now the game ends when you have sex with her, but I’ll see if I can squeeze it in there

I’ve been mulling that over for a bit, considering it. I’ll say, I won’t likely do a whole alternate mode- that would effectively be writing a full second game, and I still want to do just a bonus on top of the existing game. But I’m not against adding a choice at the beginning for how often the player showers- it certainly fits the “basement-dweller” vibe- and from then on, Mary can have some unique dialogue regarding the smell and such. I’ll keep in mind some of the scene suggestions, too.

I am sorry to disappoint though- I’m not likely to ever include any full piss/scat kink content. I don’t yuck anyone’s yum, but it’s not for me, and I definitely won’t be drawing any unique scenes like that anytime soon. That said, the next game I’m working on after Spoonful will have a bigger focus on degradation, so I’ll keep some of these ideas in mind for that one; although again, some of them may just be off-screen events, or a character recounting what’s been done to, or on, them. 

I’m not so much worried about restrictions of the platform, it’s just for personal reasons. Misty and other Pokémon characters don’t bother me too much since they’re mostly silent (I don’t watch the anime, only the games). But when it comes to shows like Owl House, Gravity Falls, or any other cartoon about kids it just doesn’t sit right with me to age them up so dramatically to draw them naked. 

How they’re presented also plays a role in it: Snow White is technically 14, but she’s drawn and acts like an adult, so I don’t really mind. I would point to Wendy from GF as someone also on this side of the line- even though she’s only a year older than Luz, she’s presented as more mature and adult. But Luz and Amity just feel too young to me.

This isn’t necessarily a hard set rule either, and I may someday change my mind— or I could always set it after the show, when the timeskip has them both at 18. But honestly doing Eda sounds just as fun, without the baggage. 

I do love that show, but I have my personal limits on how much I’m willing to age up characters, and those are pretty young kids. So there’s definitely a limit to what I’d be interested in making. An Eda or Camila trainer isn’t out of the question, though-- mama’s still got it

that’s the big question! I have a poll on my Patreon (free to access) where you can submit any ideas/hopes/suggestions. 

But in theory, it could have anything new! New scenes, new gameplay mechanics, new costumes perhaps. I still aim to keep the scope of this game very small, but within those bounds I’m considering a lot of directions to expand into.

Hmm, maybe try downloading it again? I just tried myself, everything seemed to be working fine. 

Thank you!

Thank you! 

Thank you!

There is! It's on the back burner behind some more plot-relevant content, but I do have plans to use that more. 

I have! Some of it is definitely either stuff I'd already planned to do, or ideas I'm going to strongly consider; extra jobs to earn money quicker are definitely one, and this newest public release has one. Wandering is an intriguing idea, although implementing it would be complicated- definitely going to keep it in mind, though! 

I'll say that I'm not likely to add another side to the island; I don't have enough attractions planned to make an entire second hub screen necessary, and I would rather have everything accessible from that one page. As far as I'm concerned, the back side of the island is just craggy rocks and anything Maui has stashed away. 

But I like the suggestion for the sailing mini game! I may add the 'befriending the kakamora to go farther', but I'm definitely gonna look into adding a skip if she's ambitious enough, and wants to jump right to the cutscene. 

You need to be far enough in Maui and Merida's plot lines- eventually, Merida will talk to you about an item that will start a quest for him.

You mean the 'promotion'? Once you've progressed far enough in the game (after you unlock Moana's tattoos), it will have a random chance of happening when you have Moana do maid work. 



Ah! Then keep an eye on the seas at night, and you may spot a mysterious ship passing by Maui's island... and they're selling something you may be interested in!

Not whiny at all! I'll definitely keep that in mind- although, have you gotten the map from the Shadow Man's boat? That at least does offer the correct routes to take; although I'll consider adding a marker for which paths have already been followed. 

The repurchasing the book is actually just another bug-- one that I have since patched, and will not be possible anymore come next release. You're correct that it absolutely shreds continuity, and that's less than ideal.

As for Moana's tattoos, you're right on the money as well. Especially considering that she doesn't have the possibility of getting all the tattoos she will eventually have yet, having to go back and edit every image in which Moana's lower back appears is a lot for each update. They will, in time, be visible in all images that they should be-- however, much sooner I intend to release a lore reason (which I've been building up to for a while) for why they are not currently visible, so that those who would rather scenes be more accurate to the game's story (myself included) can have a reason they're missing besides 'the dev couldn't hack it.' 

Well, you can't acquire the physical book, but once Moana has become a demigod, talk to Maui and he should begin to unlock Olympus for you. The rest should follow from there!

I would love to, but sadly, I don't speak it, so translating myself is unlikely. But I know that some people have translated the game into other languages, so if anyone wants to do a Spanish port, I give my blessing.

Visit the Shadow Man's boat when it comes to your island, and you can buy a map of the cave system!

Thanks for alerting me to those bugs! I've touched up all of them, and with the next patch of the game they should all be fixed up; although, in Wonder Woman's case, it will require a manual fix, but there'll be a little button in the clothing store to do that. 

As for Luz; I agree, it looks better with them over the underwear. I'd never paid it much attention before, but that will be changed in the next update as well. Although, for clarity; they're leggings, not stockings, so they don't go all the way down.

For the maid outfit, what you're seeing is the upgraded maid costume that is currently only accessible in the Patrons-only version of the game. It isn't a bug- just hidden by a scene that you can't trigger yet. 

Lastly, on the skin tone- probably not. I've considered it, because I get where you're coming from on matching certain wigs and accessories, but while the customization has never matched the cutscene images, I think Moana changing skin tones in transition to a cutscene would be a bit too jarring a jump. But maybe I'll add a way to adjust her accessories, so that they can shift to match better with her skin than vice versa. 


I'm not actually sure- but I have no reason to think you wouldn't be able to. The easiest way to check is probably to test it; once you've gotten through the intro to the Christmas special, one outfit should be unlocked in the main game. But honestly, the Christmas special isn't very long, so you could probably get through it fairly quickly to see if both unlock.

Unfortunately, I have no idea... I don't really use the Itch app myself. But I'll try to look around and see if I can find a reason.

I'm glad! Those were something I wasn't sure everyone would be in to; trading off art quality for longer stories is definitely a gamble. But I'm glad some people are enjoying them as much as I do, haha! 

That's odd for a couple reasons... but I think I've found the bug that's causing it! I'll get right on releasing a new download to fix that.

Have you bought the book? 

Also, without knowing what events you have and haven't seen-- try talking to Maui during the day, or make sure that Merida doesn't have anything new to say. Both of those things can unlock access to new chapters.

Not yet- although that is in the works for a future update. 

(1 edit)

I believe that was a bug with a previous upload of the game- I just posted a patch, so try downloading the file again, and see if that does it. The quest should trigger after a certain amount of progress and a visit to the Shadowman's boat.

It's possible that the version you're playing is one that has a bug blocking off the castle- try redownloading the game. The quest should trigger after a certain amount of progress and a visit to the Shadowman's boat.

Huh- are you playing on Android? Try redownloading it, there should be a new file for all three versions up tonight.

Yes- to access any of Tarzan's route, you need to have progressed past a certain point with Merida.

Ah- in that case, the Merida Tarzan scene is from the next version. The other two should be available, though- I’ll check for bugs around the shadow man as soon as I can, and if you try to complete the map puzzle and the timer runs out, you should be able to see the Kakamora.

Ah- those are Kakamora, the little coconut guys from Moana’s movie. That scene is shown if you fail the map-building puzzle on the sailing map. 

Next- are you playing version 0.41 or 0.45? I just noticed today that I erroneously wrote the change log for the Patrons-only version of the game on itch instead of the version that’s attached, so it’s possible that the Tarzan/Merida scene is in a later version of the game. 

As for the Shadowman problem, I’ll have to check if it’s a bug preventing the storyline from triggering.  If so, I’ll get right on releasing a patch for that.

Not in the public release, no. But the patrons-only release does have one new scene featuring Tarzan!

1) By final Tarzan scene, do you mean his last lesson? If not, then you need to progress with another character to unlock it (Spoiler Warning: Merida)

2) To unlock Belle's storyline, you need to buy an item from the Shadowman's boat. I'd recommend downloading the newest version of the game, just to be safe-- I came across a bug somewhat recently that could skip the trigger for his shop opening, but that should be fixed now. 

3) What monkey scene? The wall scene is a part of Belle's storyline, but I can't figure out what the first one refers to. 

4) Not likely to be any impreg content, but more bdsm is always possible. Don't have anything against it, but I don't see it coming into any chapters I have planned.