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Hey Sully! Amazing work as always. The camera shake when you destroy an enemy feels really good and juicy and destroying three planes off of one bullet is really rewarding. However when you hit an enemy but dont kill them there is not much feedback as to if you have hit them or not. Perhaps adding flash or damage numbers could help there.
I did write this as a review, but I can't seem to find where it went so I'm going to post it again here: The demo is very promising, and currently playable and fun, if you play it you won't be disappointed. That being said there are a few things which I think could be improved upon, the reason I gave five stars and not four, is because I want this game to get seen and also I understand it's only a demo, either way the main things that I think need improving are the music, font and art. The music needs longer loops and generally more instead of just one loop (It can get annoying having the same loop repeat over and over, specifically the outdoor one) on the font I think the W/M are a little hard to read, but maybe that's just me. The art I think needs a little more polishing here and there (Specifically on the player) And if your still reading this your obviously interested and should just go play the game already!
So when you click select factory and you have none availible it shows none availible which is good, but when one factory finishes you have to close and reopen the menu in order for it to update and show the factory, also I love the adition of SpaceX's tesla floating up there in space, I was like "what is that" ?
I'm not sure about Unreal, but Unity's terrain system is super old, they have already taken assets like Textmeshpro or Probuilder from the asset store and made them part of Unity. This could be the next one! Sadly I'm guessing you would have to completely start from the ground up in Unity to do something like that!
I think, (Much like redstone) Mabybe you should make it a little more clear which side is the input (I notice the the input usually has a longer peg) But it was kinda hard for me to figure out when I was first playing the game, other than that it is pretty straight forward! P.S are you going to add things like pistons, spinblocks, wheels etc.?
It keeps crashing on my mac ): But it's okay b/c I installed windows on my mac, but just wanted to tell you that the mac version is broken. I can also help bugtest, but, did you know that you can test it by using a MAC virtual machine? I think it's pretty hard but It's possible! Though, it might just be easier to have playtesters.