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A member registered Feb 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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It caught me completely off guard haha

I loved it so far! I can't wait to play more from this dev, it was unsettling. It was simple yet very psychologically disturbing. Check out my gameplay vid!

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It's like a mix between the old Silent Hill and Resident Evil games. I really enjoying playing this. The puzzles were great and I really felt a sense of accomplishment as I progressed. I can't wait to see more of this game and more of the story unfold. Check out my full demo playthrough below!

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This game almost killed me. My chest hurts from the jumpscares. I totally didn't expect it, no warning. I love that there are multiple endings, though reaching them is a feat in itself. I wish there was more ambience or ambient music but the silence makes the jumpscares that much more terrifying. Check out my gameplay vid and wear headphones if you want a heart attack as well. 5/5

Gave this gem a go and I realized I suck at basic math. Maybe I needed an abusive teacher like this in my life to beat math skills into me. If you want to see the abuse, give my gameplay video a go!

Great game so far, loved the jump scares! They were well placed and unexpected. Some of the puzzles were interesting and creative as well. I can't wait to see the full release!

Excellent concept, I just wish there were more missions! I love the idea of taking a scientific or disposal approach to paranormal activities. I would like to see more puzzles and poltergeist occurrences as well. I can't wait for more from this developer!

Check out my full gameplay video below! 

(2 edits)

Excellent game for a lone developer, and possibly his first game? I can't wait for more of the game and more games from this guy! The atmosphere was near perfect, the key/puzzles were a nice addition and the creepy lady was intense, yet she looked familiar... and... WHY WONT SHE DIE??!!

Check out my video below for the full gameplay :)

This game was creepy af!! I loved the 80s and cold war vibes, as well as the pixelated graphics. There's more than one ending apparently and I can't wait to see what the other ones are. Watch my gameplay video if you want to check it out!

This game almost gave me a heart attack! But I made it to the END!! Check out my video if you need all the locations for the fuses or just wanna watch me make a fool of myself lol

Grandma is a Demon?? This was a freaky experience, a few scared made me jump lol. Great job :) Check out my gameplay vid below!

you should add the tag Horror to this game if you haven't already!

Had a blast! Really enjoyed the atmosphere and top quality envirnments. The monsters were scary af as well lol. 5/5, great job, can't wait for the final game!

Loved the atmosphere and especially the ending! That monster scared the scrap out of me as well lol. 

What a wild ride that was! I can't wait for more episodes or the full game! The zombie rampage was intense lol (Check out my gameplay below)


(Check out my full gameplay video below!) Loved the atmosphere! It's like Silent Hill PT but pixelated lol. Enjoyed it to the end! 10/10

A creepy Xmas survival game?! Yes! This was a blast trying to survive until 2am :) Check out my gameplay below...

I didn't notice any other glitches. Great game so far. I want to see more!

My favorite movie gets a game?! This was fun while it lasted and I loved the pix-elated environment. I can only hope we will see more from this developer. A full movie adaptation would be nothing short of amazing lol. 

I was able to reach the end, if you get stuck, watch my video for hints. Enjoy :)

Couldn't figure out what to do after i picked up the coin thing. Also it got stuck in slow motion at one point after i triggered the trap. Interesting so far. Wish I could of gotten further. I woul upload a gameplay vid but I dont want to disrespect the game with my negative shenanigans lol.

I wish it was longer! I can't wait to play more of these! When's the next one??

Glad I checked this one out. Loved it! I can see a bit where "Unforgiving" got it's feel :) Monster was top notch scary!

I avoided Mannequin-slaughter! This was very creepy and I loved the immersive atmosphere. I can't wait to play Urbex next! 

This was very fun, I loved the atmosphere! The monster is definitely intense! Don't touch it's eggs lol

Good game! Very creepy vibes all around!

Great game so far! I really like the silent hill inspiration.

The game was creepy for sure. I could see the silent hill influence :) I just wish I could find everything.

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(This is the FULL playthrough if you get lost or wanna see the ending) One of the best indie horror games I've played so far this year. Definitely worth playing! LOVED IT!

That laugh had chills going down my spine! Its like ASMR but the bad kind! Good game, hope to see more from this dev!

Glad you enjoyed it! I cant wait!

Sometimes I miss when a new game is posted. Is there a way to subscribe to a genre or something so I can get notifications when a new game is published? I like to stay on top of things you see.

I got lost in the cellar, it was tense!