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A member registered Jan 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much Slime!!

Thank you so much for playing, Gibbo! I'm glad you were able to get used to the controls and movement. Keyboard controls are something I'm still kinda massaging, the game feels a lot better on a controller. I'm glad you liked level four, I'm really happy with how the elevator mechanic worked out!
Yes, the settings menu is something I'm working on. Should be able to have it patched sometime next week.

Thanks again!!

Thanks a bunch! Sonic is probably this project's biggest inspiration.

Fair! I'm still noodling with the color palette; I want each world to have its own unique look and feel to it in that respect.

Thanks a bunch for playing!! Yes, the current level design is certainly not representative of the final game. It's more of a way of getting the main idea across, and I have lots of ideas to make the final levels a lot more exciting and such. I'm also trying to figure out what the graphics will look like in the end. I'm glad you like the character and sound design!!

Thanks for playing! Nice catch on that 't' kerning; I'll fix that right now.
Yes, the last level has a known bug, where the camera gets jammed. Still working on fixing that one...
Damn, 4'58 is super quick; that's the fastest time that wasn't mine that I've heard so far! Oh yeah, the exit button doesn't do anything because it's HTML5. Should probably just remove it from this version, heh
Thanks again!!

Ooooh, I love a visual aid! Thanks a bunch for playing. I definitely see what you're saying with camera hints. I hadn't thought of having collision volumes for the camera; what a fantastic idea. Gonna implement that right away. It's worth noting that there's a setting to adjust how much the camera moves with your movement. I had it on max by default, and have since switched it to half-active.
Thanks again!

Thanks a bunch for playing, and for the feedback!
I agree, there are certain parts of the slopes where the expected momentum kinda breaks. Definitely need to iron that out.. Being able to dash back onto the wall is kind of an intended thing, though I might need to look into nerfing it a bit, so it isn't too OP. As this is a "world 1" scenario, I'm trying to strike a balance between making it easy enough vs making it non-exploitable, within a game that has lots of mechanics at play. I'm curious as to what else in the controls is sticking out to you.
Definitely planning on adding more story and spectacle to the future versions of these levels! These ones were only really made for playtesting purposes. More low stakes speed sections, more unique visuals and decor, etc, etc.
Thanks again!

Thanks for playing! Yep, sonic was my main influence for this project. Been trying to make a sonic-like for years now.

A big inspiration for the main character was electric unicycles! I dunno, I just think they're cool, and incorporating them into the design worked for high-speed movement mechanics. I also borrowed a bit of influence from Jenny from MLaaTR, and even a little bit of GlaDOS from Portal.

Thanks a bunch for playing!! I'm still working on balancing out the first few levels, to make them approachable but not boringly easy. The third level I've also got my gripes with, though ultimately none of these levels will make it to the final game anyways. I'm glad you had fun outpacing the turrets in stage 5.
Yes, I'm really happy with the victory animation, and with the robot's design! It took a good long while to really solidify.

This game is super fun, and surprisingly addictive! I'm stuck on lilypads, but I think I can make it through!!

This is really impressive. It feels basically finished, save for a couple of minor odds and ends.
The enemies were creepy, and intimidating. Though, sometimes I did get a bit swarmed. Could just be a skill issue on my end.
I think the sword and the shield is the best combination. The bow seems a bit limited, though again could just be a skill issue.
Great work, excited to see where this goes

Super fair, and I agree with you on erring on the easier side

Thanks a bunch for playing!! I'm glad it controlled well, and that you like the burst mechanic. I'm happy with that, too.
I definitely see your point, about the first few levels needing more fast sections. Very fair, if you feel that there's too much too soon. Pacing is definitely something I'm continually working on to make better, and I will take note of this.
Thanks again!

linux port pls

I really love the art style here. The characters are all adorable and vibrant.

Very neat game. I like the character designs, especially Mosca. The game felt a little bit "click attack over and over to win", but I started getting into the technique easily enough after awhile. Will follow this!

Thanks a bunch for playing!!

I'm not sure I've seen the glitch you're referring to. The wheel gets stuck to the floor? Does this happen when you burst at the floor, or?

(1 edit)

Yeahh, I want to make it a bit more obvious that you have a different kind of win state in levels like level three.
Sorry to hear you got stuck on level four. I wonder how I can better communicate the strat for building momentum... it might just be a challenge type that's better suited for later levels. idk

Ye, I'm definitely aiming for sonic/furry/robot fandoms.

Nah, the inability to change direction in midair is intentional. This is where the burst comes in; it allows you to totally redirect your momentum, midair or not.
Thanks much for playing!!

Wow, thanks! I'm glad you liked the time slowdown; I'm pretty proud of it. Yes, though, I am aware of the camera glitch. I really gotta get around to fixing that...
Damn, 7 minutes is no joke! I think the average is around 10? Thanks again!!

Wow, thanks a bunch! I'm really glad you like the sound profile. I made all the SFX in deflemask, a genesis soundchip emulator, and my bf did all the music instruments primarily with a similar VST. So it's definitely made with that console in mind.
Thanks so much for your support! I'm hoping to get this game done as soon as I can. I also have a big update for Fall For You in the works.
Yes, I agree that levels need to be more visually distinct. As this is an alpha build, I didn't want to spend too much time doing a ton of unique assets that might not make the final cut.
I'm trying to find out how to properly tutorialize the burst; that ability isn't really meant for this demo's levels; it's more of a "world 2" mechanic. It channels the player's speed into whatever direction you give it. It's useful for getting to a good speed from a stop quickly, or to change directions.

Years of trial and error lol, I've been trying to make a game like this for quite awhile. I wish I could show you a demo I used but I realy don't have anything like that. IMO, the key components are:

-make the player have a top "running" speed that you can get to by holding right/left, as well as a higher top "movement" speed that you can get to by utilizing physics/momentum mechanics

-make the player's jump direction perpendicular to the slope they're on, rather than always straight up

-convert falling speed to running speed when landing

I hope that makes any sense

Thanks so much for playing!! Yes, the loopy level is a bit easy to get lost in. Fair point, about the higher path generally being best. I also need to make more visual assets to distinguish between areas.

This one's a lot of fun, and clearly has a lot going on with it. Though,  I feel it kind of throws a lot of settings and options and characters at you right off the bat. Maybe you could start it off with a quick tutorial?

This one's fun! It's got great visual identity. My one gripe would be that the enemy designs kind of looked like upgrades at first, maybe you could make em look a bit more monster-y?

Thank you so much!

Thanks so much, Infernal! I am currently working on a big update for Fall For You that aims to fix bugs, as well as add new content to the game. The bugs you've brought up have been added to the hit list. That update should be out sometime this summer. Thanks again for playing!

Ah gosh, thank you so much for playing it and making a video! That means a bunch

Hello! I'm working on difficulty balancing, as people definitely seem to be having trouble with beating it. Will definitely set up a button for skipping the tutorial. And yes, I'm still actively working on it. You can follow me on twitter, @ShazyShaze, to stay up to date!

Ah golly, thanks so much for going through the trouble of making a video! That really means a lot. It's definitely an alpha demo. I haven't had the chance to get beta testers in to balance the project for players who aren't as well versed in roguelikes, or for more casual players. I'm working on establishing more "safety" in the game, so you don't feel like you're constantly running away from danger during enemy battles. 

EQing to boost the bass and the snare is a great idea that I'll look into implementing. As for visual cues, I'm still kind of experimenting with them. Want to get something going that's a bit more useful.

Thanks again for playing and leaving feedback!

Oh no! What kind of controller were you using?

That's a good point, on making a "press start" menu. I might do that for the intro or something. Thanks!

Very neat movement mechanic!

Thank you so much! That really means a lot

Oh no! Were you playing on Android? If so, I'm still working on tuning the shake sensitivity for those actions.

Thank you so much, David! I am super proud of my itch page, haha

weird :o I'll have to get my hands on a win7 machine and see what's going on. Did you try compatibility  mode?

Thank you <3 Hmm, I compiled on Win10, but it should work on 7, too.. You're working with the zip version, right?

For the most part I update on Twitter, @Shazy_Shaze, or at!
The thing I really need help with most is just getting people to play, so I really appreciate you playing for sure!

Aw thank you c: Well, it's kind of a sticking point for me that I make everything myself... Tbh it took some coaxing to let my bf make the temporary demo music, even ;w;