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A member registered Jan 14, 2023

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(2 edits)

I mean, the author literally posted that it was comments like this that made them want to step back yet... you still came and left one. Saying stuff like "forced to romance" "the author just abandoned" and "feels like a punishment" is quite literally over the top,  not true and those types of accusations do nothing but make authors in general feel less motivated to write. They're WIPs for a reason.

Option 1: If a platonic route is that important to you and you just want to "enjoy the story" and this Author and how they've decided to write their plot is keeping you from doing that; your best bet is playing something where romance is not basically one the biggest parts of the game. 

Option 2: Be patient. Be considerate. Wait until Zinnia gets to the platonic route (if there will be one ). Nobody is "forced" to do anything. You are actively making the personal decision to play something making you unhappy.

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Ughhhh I forgot the whole reason I never finished this game was because last time I bought it, I was told steam isn't compatible with my laptop aannnndd I don't have an Android. 

I just did it again, wtfffff.

edit: hmmm I wonder if my old jacked up laptop has Google play... fingers crossed

Edit 2: ...sooo I just ordered a Tablet off Amazon that has Google Play...Yes, Just so I can finish this game. 😭

Okay so... I can't believe I put off playing this for so long. I mean, I played the very beginning when the story first started; I didn't feel it was for me but, WOOOWZERRSS WAS I WRONG! this is EVERYTHING I CRAVE IN AN IF- especially getting the chance to be an angry gremlin. 

And like wtf...that ending point filled me with so much anticipation for the next update. My MC is just there smiling like a Hell hound, whilst everyone else is scared, distraught and battered...


Hehehehe they've done it now. May wrath be with them soon.

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So other than MC being referred to they/them; even after choosing our pronouns(which throws me off) and the limit in choices or personality (which it's only the first chapter so I know that might change), I rather enjoyed this. I'm looking forward to more, especially spending more time with our brother.

(2 edits)

Hi the option to open full screen is missing.

Edit: Okay so, I tried to read some of it (I'll probably read the rest once we can open the game up fully)and right away,I like it, it's interesting so far, I can tell this will be super good!! 

Feedback: One thing I noticed instantly is, we can choose to be mute.Yet, something that I've come to notice that many IF writers do is, forget to mention how MC is communicating; causing it to come off as if they're outwardly speaking- or the use of terms that suggest MC actually did verbally communicate. Ofc it's just the beginning, so you may have already planned to rework that- yet just in case I still wanted to mention it.

Lastly, the actual post is hard to read due to the dark words on the darker toned background.I had to highlight the section to see it.

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This choice leads to a blank screen

"She's a lovely person," you say, if only to accrue favor with the siblings. "I could see us becoming friends."

Great Start!! 💕

(4 edits)

I like this, I really do look forward to more but idk...the choices are restricting, not much flavor or variety in-between them; makes me wonder what the range of personality traits will be (it's only Chapter 2; the personality page hasn't been unlocked yet- so hopefully we'll get more option as the story goes on). 

But yeah,  this random stranger just grabs MC and pulls at his hoodie to see his neck and MC...just....allows?? Uh yeah, don't like that. At least one option should've been for us to try and pull away, fight, flinch, SOMETHING. It especially doesn't make sense for those of us who had chosen to be rude when bumping into Mars: you'd think we'd go on to be more stubborn or offended by his lack of personal space. Instead MC is not really reacting to being yanked around, no hesitation or nothing. (Again it's only chapter 2 so I could be speaking too soon)

This brings me to pacing, it's okay but we got no chance to really build up any suspense BECAUSE of the fact Mars starts manhandling us and pulling us into his group so quickly, then it ended just as fast. 

“Use your mouth and not your damn sword.”

An error pops up when choosing this

(6 edits)

Yeah, Many of the charming choices so far seem to be geared towards the intimidation stat. Honestly, A good few of the choices seem to be connected to the wrong stats in general.

I love this game so freaking much but boy oh boy, that always throws me off lol. I always end up having to play a cold intimidating character, to avoid confusion when trying to play a charming one. 😭


Also this page seems to repeat text or includes text that I think you meant to remove or edit idk. MC swivels on their heel and leaves twice.


“Ah, you’re so young,” she says with a smile. “Well then, you may go along.”

I nod my head and go my way. I wish silently in my heart that she lives a peaceful life. I swivel on my heel and go to the Westside of Lingxi, crossing across the village paths. There is an extra skip in my step, and I make sure that my body holds the chick warmly, but not suffocating it with rough hands.

“Oh?” Her closed eyes open in shock. “You are not as young as you look. What a handsome young man. But, given your appearance, you are not from Tianchao or Zhongguog, are you?”

Shoot. I can’t allow my identity to be given away. I shake my head. “No, I am from Zhongguog. I moved to Tianchao with a few of my family.”

She watches me for a few seconds. I would be lying if I say that I’m not feeling a bit nervous, but I am trained to speak in this kind of situation; more so, keep my composure.

“I wonder what made your family move here,” she says with a weary tone. She turns around as she shakes her head, her back hunched from the many years of her life. “Tianchao is suffering far too much. The land cries from the blood spilled.

“Perhaps.” I don’t say anything more and bow my head. “I’ll take my leave then.”

She beams, the wrinkles on her cheeks stretching her smile. “Take care, little one.”

I swivel on my heel and go to the Westside of Lingxi, crossing across the village paths. There is an extra skip in my step, and I make sure that my body holds the chick warmly, but not suffocating it with rough hands.

Welp...Now i'm in love with this too sighghhhh

(2 edits)

Nooooo I didn't want it to omg I love this so much. I enjoy arguing with Mr. Grumpy Sirruud aka soon to be the love of my MCs life.

I was thinking the same. Like maybe keep the text type option for those who have the more specific pronouns they want; yet have the basic multi choice preset options too, for the common ones.  To avoid confusion.

And I also agree, remove the text from out of the box itself so people don't have to delete and re-type every time. The example can be put to the side or under the box.

The font is hard to look at...not the color but the actual font. I'd say maybe add more font options, if that's possible. 

Other than that, not much to give an outward opinion but based on the summary i'm looking forward to more

I'm confused, I 100% chose people in general to be attracted to, but the Chris convo makes it seem like MC specifically likes guys. 

Also I never tried it but, If I did pick a specific sexuality, would we have still been able to flirt outside of that?

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😭💕 That ending cuddle scene with Val is just UGHHHH

I've read the current content of the series a Godly inappropriate amount of times and now i'm about to read it again. Stop creating such good IFs I BEG OF YOU!! STOP ENABLING ME!! My addiction to your work in general is not healthy. 

(1 edit)

Idk if it's just me but, It's kinda hard to see the words on the screen. I think the font itself might need to be a little lighter(maybe White font instead?). Otherwise it feels like you're straining to read. 

Well, I can already tell this will be another favorite. We May not have made it to Chapter 1 yet, but i'm giving it 5 stars!! 

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Dante pulls you into his arms, enveloping you in his constant warmth. (after choosing not to share a bed and trying to move away from him)

"Here. Take my hand."
You do, feeling him grip your hand tightly but gently before helping you out the wide window and onto the roof, keeping a hold on you.  (No hesitation? Sometimes it feels like my own MC doesn't even know they're touch adverse)

Basically he whole of chapter 5, which wouldn't be a problem if MC actually spoke on it more or showed actual discomfort; creating some sort of understanding with Dante and any of the other characters, that they need permission. 

I hope I don't sound mean, i never want to come off nasty to any of you writers/authors. Chapter 1 was great in that regard, it was actually acknowledged multiple times. But idk, I just think the best option would be to remove it as a whole. That way the people who pick it, don't get such a shock when the plot comes into play.

(1 edit)

This is a late response but just in case you weren't aware yet

The author is still active on Tumblr...They're mostly working on their other IF Dead Weight and Whisper will be- or is- currently being revamped.

Oh yea, There was a poll asking if people wanted the new  prologue sooner or if they were okay with waiting longer for that and chapter one. Waiting won the poll, so it will be a little longer. 

@plazahag Are you still writing this or your other game?

Loved the update!! I just felt like there weren't any real responses from MCs choices- dialogue wise. The characters ask us something for example, but once we answer there's no acknowledgement. They just kinda move on.

Outside of that all I can say is...I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE HOST!!

Looking forward to more!! I think I'm already in love with Argo

Nothing but tears 😭

(1 edit)

I like it so far, I look forward to what's next. 💕 I can't wait to find out what the freak took place and what MCs future holds.

If I do have any feedback: My only thing would be ( something that I don't mind trying to get used to, as you update. )- But the text being typed in a bullet point kind of style. It was making it hard to get really into it- immersion wise. It sometimes felt like I was just stating actions and events; versus reading a plot. Almost how poems are written in lines. 

Mind you, this isn't really a huge issue. It doesn't make your game unbearable to read at all. I think it's more of a personal qualm than anything, my mind is just used to seeing paragraph format.

I LOVVEE THISS SO FAR...I hope it's still in progress.

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😔🥺Sometimes when you really love something, you have to let it go. We have to let go. It’s time. At least we can say, we never gave up hope. 

Still holding on with every breath...though deep down I know- I know that it shall be a breath that holds no fruition. 

Sad GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

*sniffle*  I don't know, Maybe it's time to just accept the fact, that there will never be a return and we'll never know if Anya is okay. 

An unfortunate mystery left to linger.

I need mooreee!!! This is really good.

(1 edit)

Hii, I don't think the Frank/Secretive and Sociable/Distant stats are working 100%. I could def be tripping honestly. But Whenever I'd go to the dashboard those stats seemed to stay Centered. 

Idk though, It could easily be due to my bad eyesight paired with the lack of visible number(percentages) on the stats, that's tricking my brain into just thinking they haven't moved Lol.

That being said, I thought that maybe It'd only be noticeable if large effects had been made but when I tried to pick choices likely to correspond, after a while I still hadn't seen any vivid change.

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You can meet Arthur when we are sent into the book by that witch. He's a knight or something for the King, i believe you can only get him in two ways, i'm not sure but either: Chris needs to be alive and a part of your group OR had to have hooked up with your boss Morgan.

I noticed that in one of my plays, in which I DIDN'T have Chris because he died (i hadn't hooked up Morgan either);  I ended up NOT getting Arthur but, you do meet a Servant girl instead.

Me actually holding back tears over Arthur. That instant connection and longing for it not to end, but knowing it has too. Him waking up to MC not being there and him having to remember the moment they shared, yet will never have again. Just knowing he probably awoke and stood at the window reminiscing  about the temporary connection shared.


During the scene with Leona, she brings up having a fear of blood but I definitely don't. I restarted just to make sure I chose the opposite at the beginning after importing; but it still says it. 

Okay, So I feel like this is going to be really good !! I like it.

But right now, Every option, except for the flirting one, where you choose how to respond to Elex trying to get our attention; an error pops up. Some of the coding symbols are visible in the text. Also, if you choose to talk to her about the war, the conversation goes nowhere- like a loop, i guess. Idk how to explain it. 

It's like we get the options to talk about it, then it takes us back to the angel and war questions, to give us a chance to ask whatever one we didn't bring up before, But if we say "forget it" it's like we automatically didn't ask anything at all, even though you at least asked one of them. After that; like another comment said, it stops there. But i'm not sure if that's just where the demo ends or if that's a mistake.

Lastly, I saw you were sick, so I hope you get well soon!! Take your time.❣

same for me

Well...there isn't much buuuut I can already tell...

I LOVE THIS!! SIIGHHH Why did it have to end right there lol??!! I need more Maddock; he seems to thinks he's just oso smooth. I'm looking forward to the next update.

I will say though; It's really hard to see. Left my eyes a little strained. The light font on such a dark background is a little headache inducing. Maybe a darker font like Monstarerri(lol I don't think I spelled nor said that right like AT ALL)

I like it, I'm looking forward to more!!

 The Only thing for me is the inconsistency with choices. I chose to be silent in the office, yet the dialogue from the man, is as if he cut MC off from speaking. Then when speaking to Callum in the dorm; I feel like the last option 'You have no more questions' shouldn't be available until AFTER we ask all the questions. Because I personally didn't ask any and just clicked that option, yet the dialogue automatically assumes you did anyway. 


My one thing though, was that the options we get and even some dialogue doesn't really have room for those of us who chose Touch-Adverse. For example, when the brothers were about to bump heads, MC only had two options; both which included physical interaction. 

Will Our Touch-Aversion be brought up again in the future? Or is everyone around MC already aware?