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love the puzzles design with the combinations of 3 different sizes of the slime. Really think this idea can become a full fledged puzzle game.

Really liked the RNG and went back to play it again and again. I think it could benefit from a stronger start, just a bit of power creep to get the player going. Maybe you can start the game with 3 or more aliens, just to see what happens in each of the first tunnels.

Really liked the RNG and went back to play it again and again. I think it could benefit from a stronger start, just a bit of power creep to get the player going. Maybe you can start the game with 3 or more aliens, just to see what happens in each of the first tunnels.

Enjoyed playing it, love the idea of a scales shop and the slicing mechanic is just straightforward and fun!

Love the simple yet effective physics in it, really had fun trying to build my weird cube tower! I wish it had a camera mode or just a camera pan-down so we could see and screenshot our towers from different angles!

Nice game! Really loved the simple yet on point design

Love the chill vibe of the puzzles, looking forward to any future updates!

Thank you! I worked my a** off to meet the deadline, it is really harder than it seems...

Yeah, I know it can be same-y, I didn't find the extra time to add other features I had in mind.. But glad you found it fun!

Thanks! I'm really happy that you enjoyed it—means a lot!