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A member registered Mar 05, 2021

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Congratulations on the final release! Very few games make it to this point, and all of them have been good since they are under the care of a developer who actually puts some thought into both their work and their audience. I've been following the game for a while and I'm happy to see it completed!

Thanks for the disclaimer at the beginning of the game, appreciate it as someone who worked retail for 7 years. 

Yeah, the first thing I noticed is that this is definitely based off Imouto! Monochrome

This game is criminally underplayed. Good work so far, the amount of content you've shoved in the game already is incredible

Really cool to see a dev talk about the compromises needed to make something like this possible. Totally didn't expect to see that Live2D was the basis for this project, really interesting read!

I knew this game was gonna be good after playing through OIAL, but damn, this makes OIAL look like a game jam project. There were multiple instances where I was silently praying that it wasn't the end of 0.2. Will patiently wait for the rest of the game's updates! 👏👏👏

My biggest qualms with the game:

Talking to a customer should not be automatic, I think that having the player click on them to actually interact would add onto the hectic food service life. It's also rather annoying that, given that it is automatic, it cancels your current action (i.e. chopping tomatoes / washing lettuce).  

This has already been mentioned, but weekends are really empty. Of course, this is simply a gameplay demo, so I don't expect anything to have been done here at the moment, but I would like to emphasize that this will need to be something to be worked on in the future for this game to be anything more than just a demo.

The stats seem... unimpactful? Of course, I went to the grocery store and the cafe to keep my stats reasonable, but I was doing so just for the sake of the stats, and not because I felt like it made sense...? Hard to explain this one, but the end result is that I'd like to see the stats take more effect one way or another in the game. 

During the working sessions, I think it would make more sense if, at the end of the workday, the only thing that happens is that customers stop lining up. It feels strange as a player to have a tray with fries, a drink, and a half-made burger and it just fading to black.

Overall, there are too few femboy games on itch, and even lesser so that are actually games. I have high hopes for this one!

Hey Runey, going to echo what a lot of people have said and thank you for the game, and the update. It's great! Also great to see how active you are in keeping up with the comments and responding to questions and feedback.

Out of curiosity, since you've mentioned the game's massive uncompressed size, do you have a separate drive solely for development on this game? I was blown away at how huge this game really is. Thanks again!

thanks so much, you've saved me dozens of hours of redoing content since I've maxed out the game before this update