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Well, there is the screaming :D
The 'heat her up with fire' was kind of an afterthought at first, but I figured someone would at least try it (I know I would), so I decided to 'reward' the effort.
And then made it a required mechanic in the second stage, another no-no. But, it's the lame game jam so, what the hey, right.
Anywho, hope you had fun with this silly little game, and thanks for the comment.
consistency, consistency, consistency.
Consistency in theme and art style. If I'm looking for urban fantasy assets, I'm not likely to pick up an asset pack that is half urban fantasy and half medieval .
For sounds/music, volume levels should be the same for all samples in the pack. Yes, I could balance the volume levels myself, but I am, #1 busy coding my engine and, #2 unapologetically lazy.
For sprite sheets, icons, and other graphics assets, consistency in layout on the sheet. If I have to code more than one routine to get your gfx assets into memory, I'm not going to bother with them.
Next would be value/price. I'm more likely to look at a small sample pack that I can pick up for a dollar or two. If I'm impressed by the samples, then I'll look to see if you have any other packs available, and by more willing to spend my money.
But almost as important as all of that, is your presentation. If the description on you asset page is three words long and devoid of images/sound samples, I'll pass. You don't have to be eloquent, but do try to be accurate and honest.