I mean they are clearly aged-18. It's even in the disclaimer I believe. Boy just wanting attention and is insistent on Yapping. Ignore the fool, and he'll go away like a needy ex.
Recent community posts
There was little to no content in the demo. I know its not supposed to have the "full" game, but if you just going to give people a button click, then cookie smash is free and offers more. At leasr show hints of the content and option available to users with the full version. Will still gladly support work, but this just had an air of hesitation, laziness or protectively withholding engaging parts of the content people were looking to see.
I just wanted to say that I absolutely love this game and it's development. Once I found this game I was hooked to it. The indepth story. I love the pace, the Voice Acting, the lore. Just Italian Chefs to the team behind this 💋. I feel it's worth more than what I paid for, it's why I bought for both steam and itch. 🖤💎
hello SCC, First just want to say I really enjoy the game. Very fun, and play through it on my phone every time there is a new update. However, I decided to play the PC version today, and I'm having issues getting the Memories Code to work. I tried using the txt file with the code name in there, and saving in the same location as Innocent Witches.exe, but that didn't work. (Note I did make spelling was correct but copying and pasting it into the title.) Do you have any tips for how to remedy this, or am I just dumb and doing something wrong (lol)
I liked the difficulty with the bosses. Its a fun challenge, and while it take numerous tries. It's not Dark Souls Levels of Bogus. Combat is a bit jank, but I find it part of the charm. Defeated the all the boss so far with about 7 tries with Foxgirl and Catgirl total. Everyone else was no more than 2 or 3