Overall pretty fun! Took me a few tries to get used to the bullet movement, but once I did it was fun doing a double bounce off the frying pan -> church bell -> guy at the top of the building.
I did find the camera a bit jarring and a little disorientating with how it lagged behind the bullet (was it LERPing to the bullet?). Maybe try making it snap to the bullets rotation a bit faster?
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The art and attacks feel great!
I did end up having the game freeze on me after I did a big attack day 2 through a group. I'm not sure if I'm in a wall here or something, but this is how it froze. Screenshot of frozen frame: https://imgur.com/a/rRyfgXu
Yes that's the level - I had to skip that level so it makes sense that moving the vase through there was not the correct way to do it. The first time I got the vase through that hole in like 5 seconds so it felt correct, then I got stuck and subsequent attempts it was much harder to get the vase through.
Making it more impossible to do that would've saved me a lot of confusion!
Cool game! Really cohesive art style and unobtrusive music that was still kinda a bop.
Two points of critique;
when trying to tip the tall sarcophagus/statue it felt like I just had to spam A/D to get them to tip over and that was kind of annoying.
On the 4th level (I believe), getting the pot through the 1 tall tunnel was really difficult because it kept getting stuck on the tiles around it. Would be nice it was easier to roll around