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A member registered 61 days ago · View creator page →

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Nope the MC is the victim, further fown the line i will add some more lore to give context.

Yes XD. jokes aside I tried to answer from all angles.

Only on game overs, since the protagonist is male i can't make it a active mechanic. Maybe have an NPC quest down the line and the outcome beign geting them preggo.

Thanks for pointing out the parallax issue, im working on fixing some other issues but that will take a little longer.

Can you detail exactly whats clunky about the controls pls?

Thanks for the feedback, i hope you did enjoy the game despite parallax effect, right now the mechanics are crude since its the 0.1 version, i will release a hotfix for the paralax and smooth some mechanics in the following days. Migrating the project to godot and learning a new game engine from is out of the question. but i will try to smooth the controls.

Hey, thank you playing! Hope besides the paralasx you had a good expirience!
I will try to look into it as soon as posible and update the game with a hotfix!