Oh, thanks for the info... I haven't noticed that :)
A member registered 72 days ago
Recent community posts
[0.5.9] 5/5, it looks really promising, and it's already a great game!
- It would be nice to have the option to downgrade graphics, lock at 30fps, some things like that;
- The stages where materials can drop info text in the Materials menu should contemplate further stages, not only the first 10 of each area. I don't know if the intention here is to make the player have the knowledge for it, but once the player reaches that level, the number should appear, if that's the case;
- Collectible tiers would be cool... i know the ammount of stuff you get from them is variable, but even so, they feel useless at higher levels... I mean, maybe recallibrating their scaling, or a multiplier that uses the character's level as a factor;
- Being able to use coins instead of materials to upgrade summons (or at least having the option to) would be nice;
- The upgrade stats tab menu could be a simple button in the stats upgrades menu, IMO;
- The main goal could display an objective, if you don't have a "main goal" (which i'm assuming are discovered events).
- "Next level in: hh:mm:ss" next to the exp/min would be really cool;