yup, this is a good one. At first I was irritated by the protagonist and his whining, but he develops well as do your other characters. I hope you are able to devote solid time to this project because it really is a labor of love. You have a good eye for story development and you really built up emotions well. I will drop some cash your way. Keep it up!
Recent community posts
absolutely agree. The best VN authors include less telling and more showing and reduce the amount of unnecessary monologue; additional, the best grant views from all angles with less constant face-to-face interactions. Telling a story is as much an art form as the delivery of gorgeous scenes. Too much monologue is a crutch and a clear sign the creator(s) is/are lacking the storytelling capabilities.
Note: this VN has great aspects of the better VNs, and snipping out some of the monologue and relying on scene construction and dialogue to tell the story would greatly benefit a quite good project.
He's down in the dumps. Everyone goes there from time to time. That is one aspect of this VN that makes it relatable. He isn't necessarily a whiner, and he does get his groove back. He is actually an enjoyable character with flaws but also strengths. Unless all you are looking for is some young stud constantly involved in sex scenes, I am quite sure you will find the entertainment and merit in this excellent VN.
finished the latest update, and, well, GODDAMN! All of my previous laudation continues to apply. I get lost in the story, love and despise characters, and maintain a healthy bit of yearning.
When the protagonist gets with the romantic or close friend characters, I want you to take more time—slow role the camera view over the scene, across the bodies, and build up the romance. That’s all I could advise.
Don’t rush a damned thing! Keep up the great work, and we all will just be Patient.
LOL! Indeed that was the issue. I’d originally engaged on my MAC Air, but then attempted 6 on my desktop. All good now. Enjoying your writing and art thoroughly. There are 9 quality AVNs (in my humble opinion) worthy of following, which are of professional caliber, and yours is in the top 3. Keep up that quality production!
Yeah, I think I simply don't know how to download the new content and then pick up from where I left off. When downloading new content, should it be saved within the folder for the old version, or simply on its own in its separate folder?
Anywho, I can think of worse fates than to re-play your novel all the way through. I look forward to having the time to continue the adventure. Cheers!
PLEASANTLY SURPRISED. 1 out of 10 AVNs I see are worth continuing beyond 30 mins-first hour, and yours is definitely one of that 10%. Characters without the usual trite foibles (a protagonist I don't hate!); pretty damned good animation; lovely characters; real good dialogue and monologue; and a unique story that draws you in, and isn't the same, tired, shallow pervert protagonist in a sea of dull, shallow perverts.
I will say the joking banter back and forth is fine, even at times hilarious; however, too much and you risk it becoming tiring. A nice balance of humor will do your writing justice, as this story is not slapstick, and the friends, though crude to each other, seem to have a deep, inner connection that more serious interaction can bring out.
I also really like the sprinkling of sex scenes rather than beating the reader over the head constantly...if one wants porn alone, there is plenty of that available. You've developed your characters and scenes, thereby building expectations and desire. For example, the protagonist's ex-wife is angry, mean-spirited, and yet you have made me not hate her, and indeed I found myself wondering whether and hoping they grow closer.
And when you opened your sex scenes they aren't some rushed job. I think you could tease the reader even more through "camera angle" that obscures or limits while building each additional step in the sex scene in careful yet purposeful strides. The art is in the build up and less in the release. I think you have that going in your work real well.
Thanks for this work so far! I will give this one support and follow the VN's development.
Actually, I did feel similarly. The writing is solid, with the characters actually having a bit of intellectual competence, and then they sort of degenerate into the typical run of the mill porn-inscribed mono/dialogue. Nothing wrong with a bit of that, but at times it does feel like the characters’ voices no longer match the personas you built. Food for thought…but don’t let it bog down the solid work you’ve been producing.
hey! Damn, you have something special here. Only a ways into it, but I am impressed enough to shout out kudos. And a couple team—two sides of the brain too often missing in the vast majority of AVNs. I’ll likely write again when I’ve completed the current work product, maybe with constructive criticism, or maybe just more laudation. Cheers!
Art takes time. With ample time comes results. Don't give in to a feeling of being rushed. I think you have a VN that could compete with Being a DIK and College Kings for artistic value, and I actually think your story and dialogue/monologue are better than the aforementioned because of the uniqueness.
Great stuff!!
So you are worried about this game not being perfect? Folks, once again (and it is not a frequent happening amongst AVNs) I am pleasantly surprise by, in my educated opinion, a very well developed story with truly amazing renderings. Just enough sex to add some spice without it succumbing to pure silly eroticism. This is ART! You actually have a story and some characters the reader/viewer can care about. The dialogue/monologue is smart and often funny, and every character doesn't sound the same - each seems to have their own unique voice. I think I saw one spelling or grammar error in passing, but it was such a non-issue that I literally can't remember where I saw it.
Yup, this one will get support from me, and I will remain impatiently waiting for the next Chapters. This is one of those gems that I almost want to wait until you say it is done before I engage with it again...but I don't have that kind of patience. Just get us more so we can continue being massively entertained. Cheers to you!
I agree. How one must wade through some pretty unintelligible garbage in other VNs, which really are just oure jolly fests, to finally come upon this (and a few others—notably Artemis, Being a DIK, Leap of Faith, College Kings, for example) entertaining AVN. Actually fun and mentally stimulating.
I note that you actually give each character their own voice, so each doesn’t sound like all the others. You spend time with character development, so good on you!
And re the intimacy: you allow build up, and you seem to take your time. Other developers could learn a thing or two about storytelling from you (assuming they would even care).
I will continue to look forward to your offerings, especially this story as it continues.
just finished Chapter Three. HOLY SH|¥, what a great, entertaining artistic VN! I mean really, this is as good as they get. I hope it makes it to Steam when it’s complete, for the creators deserve to benefit from this.
Characters aren’t paper-thin like the majority of VNs. Well designed, beautiful characters you actually can care about. A story not spun from the typical b.s. yarn; and when you get to the end of Chapter Three you will curse the developers for not giving ya more!
Well deserving of accolades, and all I can say in summary is, damn it, give us more!
And I will disagree - Your renders are fab, and they move the story along at a nice pace. Renders can also tease, where animation is great for when (pardon the pun) a scene reaches a climax. Renders and solid dialogue/monologue are most important, while the animations are great for solidifying or bringing a scene to a "climax."
Thx for the hard work!
This should be high on anyone‘s list—for those who actually like a story along with the sensual/sexual content. Lovely renderings, captivating characters. Something to get lost in, and at times emotionally challenging.
Good job. This definitely has room to grow and continue, while still feeling like a completed episode. Many developers should take note!
I want to like this...I really do.
I generally like where the story is going (or at least where it appears to be going), but reading the dialogue/monologue is like attempting to decipher a foreign language. So damned difficult, and sometimes it makes no sense at all. I keep thinking to myself, "damn, how I could help this developer with the language." This does need someone to completely edit the sentences so that the great scenes and renders come together more cohesively. As it stands, I am giving this a 6 out of 10, and can only hope the developer opts to have proficient native English speakers edit the written portion of this VN.
this is great. It’s not a wank-a-thon, but rather stimulates the intellectual and emotional sectors of the brain. It’s still sensual yet not overtly sexual—it stimulates through anticipation and longing, which can be so much better than mere wank material. MrSilverLust has done a great job, and lööking forward to more.
my friend, the one thing I think that might quell some issues is to remove the choose your age and choose the relationship options. Really, they add nothing to your already great game. He is her step-father…and same for the sisters. He came into their lives when they were young. They all are now unquestionably over 18. With all that nothing should hurt reasonable persons‘ sensibilities.
This work is too good to suffer from unintentional story issues. So looking forward to your follow on works. SK.