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A member registered Mar 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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I figured this out I think in my game, just space the key checkpoints out farther than lakitu checkpoints and have 2 separate variables tracking each. Then just respawn to the one with the matching ID.

I can show you the source for an up to date version on Discord, but I currently don't have access due to my game because my SSD that has the file for it decided to crap out and stop working. I'll show you when I have the chance though!

This is really good! I made a super circuit fangame for MFGG's game jam earlier this year, and this is infinitely better than what I made for that. The only thing that I think needs fixed is the controls. I do not like how this game controls in the slightest, maybe it's just because I'm so used to mine, but regardless, really good.

Yea, I did ;)

This is basically a tech demo, not a bad one, but certainly lacking in many aspects.

I wish I could control the seperate players instead of having them all at once, it makes it very difficult to actually precisely land jumps, especially with no bubbling mechanic like in the NSMB games.

Very fun game.