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Silver Dubloons
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Good call on #1, I will get that fixed. #2 means destroying all face cards in the deck, Jacks, Queens and Kings. They can be destroyed with Bombs (non standard card), the Snurf Blaster bauble, and the Cake bauble.
Edit - to clarify, specifically there is a check after each hand played that counts the number of face cards in your deck, and if it is 0, unlocks that deck. So if you've added more face cards to your deck, all of them need be destroyed.
Making a bot that can play poker with any level of competence is far beyond the scope of this project. It wouldn't be too hard to let them make simple, predictable actions, but this would be such a shallow opponent to play against it would not be interesting for more than a game or two.
There is a Discord button on the main menu, that could be a good way to build a little community to get some games together.
lol I never did the math, but I don't hate that it works out this way. At least you need more items for it to work out. I wouldn't hate it if 7 of a kind was more viable though. After my current project I do have a laundry list of things I *want* to add to this game. No promises, but I do love this game and want to do more with it.
This is an interesting, and understandably a bit frustrating, consequence of the way I have coded the game to interpret straights. I will expand.
My code for determining the best hand takes the rules of poker seriously. Starting with these axioms:
- A 2 3 4 5 is a five high straight, therefore K A 2 3 4 is a four high straight
- We should always use the highest straight possible, since in a poker game you would always want to play your strongest hand
- A straight is a straight. There is no differentiation between a straight of one length over another
So in your situation, the game sees that you have two straight flushes, <A 2> (a Two high straight flush) and <A> (a Ace high straight flush) and picks the better of the two for your hand.
This can be mitigated with the Cat's Eye bauble, which allows all placed cards to be considered part of the played hand.
It sure does, haha. Wide Houses are just that good!
Non-meme answer: The left column are values that are applied to all hands containing that hand. In this case, only Wide House. Since Wide Houses benefit from many powerful hands with high stats, I actually had to make their individual stats negative to bring them in line with Seven of a Kind and Huge Houses.
The right column displays the minimum that a particular hand will be, which you can see lines up about right with other comparable hands.
Also, thanks to your screenshot, I discovered a bug that was causing the Scastronomy deck to be way too easy to unlock, so enjoy that one on me!
I've tweaked it a little, and come up with something that I think works, especially considering your desire for fast cash!
I call it the Sgambler deck. You start with the new bauble, Chip Magnet: "Whenever you clear 2 or more chip thresholds with a single hand, gain an additional chip for each chip threshold beyond the first. Clearing them all at once nets an additional 2 chips"
You get +1 chip threshold per ante. So you can effectively make up to 13 chips per ante, right off the bat.
As you suggested, it will not be able to collect interest, so you can spend without worrying. This deck also takes the Piggy Bank out of the bauble pool.
It might be super overpowered, but in games like this, balance is an illusion. Have fun with it. If it's OP to the point of it being the only viable deck, maybe I'll rework it in a bit.
To unlock it, you'll need to purchase the Chip Magnet in another run, and clear all chip thresholds with one hand two antes in a row.
Will be available in tonight's update.
I like the idea!
Thematically it feels a little off to me, what about this screams aristocracy? I would think that would have something to do with face cards.
The unlock mechanic could be boiled down to: "Purchase everything in a shop that has 2 or more rare baubles". Is that correct?
Mechanically, It does sound fun and seems relatively balanced.
I'll give it some thought! Thanks for all your ideas and engagement, I genuinely appreciate it.
Testing this out today, thank you!
Edit: Got it working between versions. Still too early to tell if it will save between sessions, as I don't know exactly how long session cookies last by default. Testing it out on a test page so as to not screw with anything until I'm confident it is working fine
Edit2: Tested it out over a couple days, seems stable, seems to be working. The newest build has this system in place. Anyone reading this, please let me know if your data isn't saving between sessions
Congratulations on getting to ante 30! 371M means you were doing pretty dang good lol. Wooden Letter K is nuts if you can get it going early enough.
Side question - are you playing on the latest patch? You should be able to see the version number in the bottom left of the main menu (unless it's quite old, then there will be nothing there). I used to have a bug where the best hand would be outside the bounds of the red box on the stats screen, as in your screenshot. I can't reproduce it now on the latest version. Just wondering if I missed something somehow
Good catch! All nonstandard cards do have slightly alternate art for when they're placed as a played card, that is intentional. It should revert back to the standard art when returned to the hand, but it seems I failed to account for this when switching cards via dragging and dropping. I will have this fixed in tomorrow's build!
As for the downgrade to a pair, that is very troubling! I will figure that out as well. I was surprised everything was working so well with the telescope bauble, as I had to write a huge script to get the hands evaluated properly. I'm sure I can find out what's going on.
Thanks for letting me know and video making it clear what is going on.
Edit - this was bugging me so I went and found the problem before bedtime - just some misplaced curly braces! And solved the issue with the non standard cards not reverting back to their original art as well. Thanks again for pointing these out! Uploaded a new build with these fixes just now
The D6 has been added, along with upgrades all the way up to D20!
I tested and played around with the card cleaner idea, and designed it into what *I think* works OK.
It's rare, so will be infrequently seen in the shop, and costs 3 chips. It's called Magic Marker, and before scoring, it sets all played cards to a random rank. Not too crazy, can help with lategame transitioning or early game powering if you're lucky enough to see it.
The card cleaner is interesting, I think 90+% of the time people would choose one specific rank and one specific suit for every card that was changed. Might be simpler to implement that way, too. Sounds very powerful at 3 - 4 chips, even if it was rare. I could see if it was more expensive and the specific rank and suit was random, that could work. I will consider all of this.
The die idea is very similar to an idea I had, and I really like it! I think it could be the first bauble that you can upgrade, going from d6 to d8 to d10 to d12 to d20, increasing the maximum bonuses along the way. Definitely a great idea!
Thanks for the ideas captain schizziobeat!
Scrongle does have a nice ring to it! I told the story behind how the name came to be on YouTube, but the short version is this:
In Unity, I have all sorts of places where dynamic text shows up. In order to make sure it looks good, I type something random out, and typically I use silly words or phrases just because it makes me giggle. The text where it displays the name of the hand you've played is set to "Scrongly". I showed an early prototype of the game to a friend of mine and he asked me if that was the name of the game. I said "Of course not, who would name a game Scrongly". Turns out I couldn't come up with anything better so it stuck, and here we are.
The tutorial does mention the game is over when you run out of cards, but I suppose that could be telegraphed better to the player. I will ponder on how to do that.
Glad you're enjoying it!
Thanks so much for playing and enjoying!
Could you expand on your idea for the Card Cleaner? Does it work on only one card? When does it trigger, when you play a hand or how did you envision it? and what do you mean by type? You get to pick the rank and suit? Sounds like a fun idea.
The Rock Paper Scissors one sounds fun, too, but I worry it would feel gimmicky after a bit. Especially since you're playing against an AI (which would presumably choose a random play each time) effectively there's no decision being made. I could make it choose for you, but that kind of just means a bauble that gives you a random amount of multiplier. Which I'm not entirely against, I suppose.
Thanks for the kind words! You're the first person I've ever seen play the exact same hand for 100% of played hands. Nice!
I will look closer into this, thank you for the resources! I would love for this to be easier, it's wild to me there's not a simple solution for this. Gotta figure out how to get c# to talk to JS to talk to the browser. It's a bit daunting, and totally new territory for me, so no promises, but I'm going to do my best to figure this out. I appreciate you!