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Siman Guyman

A member registered Jun 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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An adorable and deceptively difficult arcade game. Took a bit of getting used to the depth perception, but once I got a hang of it, it was spectacularly precise. ngl I tried hitting the penguins sometimes just for their silly little knockout animations. Fantastic submission!

Always a joy to try one of your submissions <3
Certainly a simpler one conceptually, but the much-expected excellent game feel and control make every run rewarding.
Highest Score was 162. I don't usually end up investing in these (mainly because I'm usually bad at them lol) but sustaining a run really gets the adrenaline pumping!

Was having a chill time (pun intended) thinking "I could try speedrunning this" and then those last two levels came, those were pure evil D:<
Seriously though, great game, fantastic opening menu, and revolutionary political commentary
Finished in 6:26 with 33 deaths >:)

Oh, whoops, almost missed this comment! The hardest part was the moment I realized I had to program triple seed fusions and my initial formulas were VERY broken. In the end I coded an entirely different system for how it functions, but I think it turned out pretty well in the end! :) That was probably the biggest thing in terms of difficulty, in terms of time that would definitely be the UI, I think a solid half of the time was working that out lol

I realized that after the fact so I edited the text to still be appropriate but only after clicking that link did I learn it was a paid game XD
General sentiments still apply though :)

Fantastic models and artwork! Finished the game by escaping into the void, similarly to Pumpkin's Patch. I said nothing, disregard that statement.

Now this is art. A perfectly thematic background image and immaculate music taste. Could use more explosions.

Fantastic sprite work! So many little details make the experience super charming. That's not to mention the dang punishing gameplay! Don't think I'm very good at it but every run compels me to do better. Expected nothing less from my Gamemaker Studio brethren-in-arms >:)

Well executed given the time restraints! Oddly satisfying gameplay and a nice and very distinct, minimalist aesthetic. Excited to see what else you have in store! <3

Great game! Fantastic and deeply emotional storytelling. Better than Dark Souls. I haven't play Dark Souls but I assume it's like this but easier. Keep up the good work! <3

(1 edit)

Played Suika after this for the first time for... research purposes... Pumpkin Game has some really smooth game feel and fairly interesting powerups. ngl, this game is visually a lot more appealing than Suika too. The distinct sprites make it a lot more accessible and satisfying, and the popping sound effect is leagues ahead of the weird bubbly sound effect of Suika.

Very satisfying getting a good hit, especially on multiple enemies! Getting some of the vibes I got playing Ato

Love the design of focusing your effort into a single missile. A lot of quick planning and risk/reward!

Dang, that was kinda surreal to play. I loved having to work around turning my entire perspective around!

lol all good! I noticed I got too good at the game while playing through it between programming XD Once I saw Jerome play it after release, I would've made lowering difficulty the number 1 change. So glad you liked it though! <3

Super compelling gameplay! Ya GOTTA play with fall damage, it's so satisfying taking risky falls. The game rewards you for pulling off crazy jumps bruh it feels so good

Dang, that was pretty fun! This would be cool as a full game!

Bruh that game feel is

Bruh how was this made in 48 hours? This is so good! What a great premise and execution! The animations are really cute, too! I only just noticed there's one for when the character's barely hanging on a ledge at just the time I thought I wouldn't make the jump. The falling scene is also terrifying lol. The only gripe I have is a bit nitpicky but I would've liked a bit more jump variety since there's only one jump height. Other than that, great game! Can't wait to see what you do next! <3

Simple and intuitive, the addition of just lowering your basket makes for some really satisfying moments! The music and sound effects are great and the art is adorable <3

Actually in love rn this is the greatest game of all time

This game was fun! Took a bit to figure out where to go after the first rock, but after that, I had a good time racing against the timer. I love the "Rock" sample, love the opening cutscene, love the player model, overall I had a great experience! Very soothing background music made for a nice atmosphere, too! <3

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Amazing game! I thought the gameplay loop would get boring but no, I was always on my toes. I love the streamlined mechanics and the cool retro graphics. Great game, big spooks, would recommend!