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A member registered Jan 17, 2023

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1 mistake? I am here 3 years, don't know about you. And it's surely not 1 mistake. I even created comment like this 1 or 2 years ago and so I did on F95. I even joined their Patreon for a while at the beginning, which were a big mistake. It's probably you no having any experiences with those games and supporting creators on Patreon. And also you are new to this game, as 99% people here since most of old supporters already forgot  about this game, since it's releasing update per more than half year.

So let me tell you from experience, other creators are not like this. And yes, most of them are also just amateurs. Haven't seen anyone so far taking this huge money but even though they update per month and there are always week, max two weeks reports. These guys just give "bad news" after half year so you have to wait 2 weeks to 1 month more so that garbage with 0 content is released. Work of other creators +- equals the time and money. But Goodbye eternity is straight scam. But thanks God there are tons of people like you who think taking $17k monthly and doing nothing is alright. Sheeps without brain. I wish you very nice day as well.

(1 edit)

I think you are the one who is delusional prick btw. You think Patreon is some kind of magic free unlimited income to support your life without doing anything? No, it's not. At least for most of the game developers over there except those of course. For those developers, it's really just free income and way to be chilling at home without a job and taking huge passive income from other people.

 For the H games topic, Patreon is place where people supports amateur projects. When people sees the potential of the game and feels like it should be finished, they can support developers so they can finish the game. Very small groups usually doesn't take it as their money but put all into developing game. Like if that's 1 guy and he knows programming, he needs to pay graphic to draw it and animator to animate it etc. If you have huge income from Patreon, you can even hire voice acter so game is top-notch. Till where Patreon income lets you.

This game has not huge but gigantic income. But it's most probaly just 1 or 2 guys doing that with their random cosins and taking all the income for their living. When I started playing this game 3 years ago, there was surely huge potential. And income from Patreon was half. Now they have double income and almost 0 work done in past 1 year.

You are really mistaken if you think Patreon is magic free money to put into your wallet. It's actually very smart page which makes lot of amazing projects be finished. And it's really cool not to take advantage of that and if you feel like you should be paid, you work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. And report your work at least every week to people which are literally paying you for your job. 

Honestly said, people like you shouldn't get right to vote at all. There is literally 0 logic and rational thinking from your head.

(2 edits)

Patreon Exclusive? Tf is this argument? They took around 70k USD just from patreon since 0.8 to 0.9. It took them half year to make this new content. Go actually play this game and tell me this is work worth >70k USD and over 6 months.

You don't even make sense. Idk if you are really just some brainwashed sheep or actually fake acc of "developer" or one of his cousins profiting with him.

If you are really just some brainwashed sheep and this is the only game you are following, I recommend you to play other games as well. To see other developers which are actually not scamming people which supports development of their games. Releasing huge content monthly, constantly reporting what they did while taking multiple times less money.

They may be super small group of people and cousins making animations or whatever. But they are taking right now 16,900 USD just from Patreon monthly. Other "small groups" are making H games as project and use these money for the game. This group is taking money for their living (not assuming, they told it) but if you take so much money for yourself as payment, you actually work. Play the new part of this game and tell me they are working 5 times a week 8 hours a day. They worked on this like 14 days at maximum. Also they don't report their work constantly, which should be normal. They just give you one Noriko animation which some cosin is making and then "bad news" - you will have to wait another month. And what did we got? It's so bad that it's literally unplayable and you have to save the game every 15 seconds to be able to finish the game.

And btw I already told them they can hire people with this much money. Other games are hiring even professional voice acters and they take multiple times less money than this game.

Fr all these people should focus on new part of this game and then think again if this is really worth around 70k USD from Patreon and more thousands from this page. And if this is really work which takes half year. Literally 1 amateur person would do more content and for free as a project. Mainly it would be at least playable. This is not playable.

Yes. It's so weird to point out obvious scam lol. Little sheep, better go pay lot of money on Patreon, so they can release that 10 minutes gameplay in half year. And don't forget to pay on my Patreon for my future game. You can donate now if you want, I bet they are using money on filthy Ferrari but I am going for Lambo. Your money will be used better in my wallet.

(5 edits)

I have no words how people can be so stupid and pay you anything on Patreon. It's literally scam but they keep paying you lmao. After 6 months you managed to make 4 animations and some little changes with game file and in the menu. Game is actually worse than it has been before, all previous animations are now unwatchable because of how pixelated and lowframe it is. Game is crushing constantly, I had to start over like 30 times till I got to the ending. I know you don't actually care at all, since it's just some little work from you so people don't stop paying you. But people here or on Patreon doesn't care at all either somehow.

Most riddiculous are people here in comments saying "Take your time, here take my thousands of dollars to make some shit in half year which is makable better in 14 days and $70k less".

Anyway thanks guys. You inspire me. I will leave my web developer job and start making my own H game and collect hopefully same money as you are. Chill for 6 months with 16-17k USD monthly for nothing from stupid people on Patreon and keep scamming people over the years till the Lambo. Best part is that it's surely not illegal, nobody can call cops on you. Holy God, let's go!

PS: If someone reads this comment, be sure to stay tuned for my H game! and pls donate a lot on Patreon. Updating will be per year. You can expect 2 minute gameplay and 1 whole top-tier animation. And if someone complains, I will argue back with x.1/x.9 versions which are maybe just bug fixes versions but still versions lmao. You guys are 300IQ without doubt. Indian IT supports are peasants in compare with you. GJ!

(2 edits)

Yeah dude, cool you are learning to be game developer. But it's also cool to check their income. They take almost 16 000$ per month only from Patreon. They can literally hire profesional people to do this job so it won't take more than half year and after that half year + few months delay it's not 15 minutes gameplay without any dubbing  like last update with bugs but piece of actual work. You are defending them meanwhile they are wiping their asses with thousands of dollars and laughing. Now I realise how it's easy to get rich. 

PS: I am here waiting for 2 years. I got like 3 updates so far, story almost didn't progress at all. Meanwhile they took around 200 000-250 000$ so far in these 2 years by simple calculation just from Patreon. But keep defending, like all nerds does mostly for multi billionair companies. You were born to be cheated.

They take lot of time. Literally >half year per single update. All other games does update monthly and with way more content. Also lot of money. Multiple times more than most of the games out there. It doesn't even have dubbing, which all quality games does have. I think it's time to release it already. And it better to be holywood quality with hours of content and animations on level of Mushoku Tensei or Demon Slayer. They took money comparable with solid 12 ep anime.

Click on "purchase", write down $10 or more if you wish and pay. Then you can download newest version 0.9 and all future updates.

I am so looking forward for 0.8 content that cost 100k usd from patreons and whole half year of work. I bet new update going to be Star Citizen v2. 

1st one is best without doubt.

2nd one is worst...

3rd is 2nd best.

Old one is 3rd best.

Maybe you downloaded an older patch. The actual one is 0.6.2. With Noriko, there isn't much in the game yet. In Maledom/Femaledom path she masturbates and in Corruption/Reject she sucks you. Pretty sure even the free 0.5.9 patch has these scenes. For the Noriko sex scene, we have to wait till 0.7, which should be hopefully coming soon. Since it's the best H game I have played and Noriko's best girl without a doubt, I am waiting for it every day.

Just follow a story. There are 4 different paths in total with Noriko, but the sex scene should be hopefully in 0.7 update.