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They take lot of time. Literally >half year per single update. All other games does update monthly and with way more content. Also lot of money. Multiple times more than most of the games out there. It doesn't even have dubbing, which all quality games does have. I think it's time to release it already. And it better to be holywood quality with hours of content and animations on level of Mushoku Tensei or Demon Slayer. They took money comparable with solid 12 ep anime.

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I really hope you are being sarcastic.


You have picked the wrong comment to reply to my guy. I myself am a LEARNING to be a Game Dev, and I know for a fact it's not as easy as you claim it to be. And 'Hollywood quality' dude.. You know movies take literal YEARS to make right? Just like any game. And you're asking for it in a month? You want those kinds of games, go look at insomnia. And if you wanna know how they're able to do it, look up the word their company is named after. In the mean time, remember that there are real human beings on this wonderful thing we call the internet.

In short. Stop being rude, and grow a goddamn brain.

(2 edits)

Yeah dude, cool you are learning to be game developer. But it's also cool to check their income. They take almost 16 000$ per month only from Patreon. They can literally hire profesional people to do this job so it won't take more than half year and after that half year + few months delay it's not 15 minutes gameplay without any dubbing  like last update with bugs but piece of actual work. You are defending them meanwhile they are wiping their asses with thousands of dollars and laughing. Now I realise how it's easy to get rich. 

PS: I am here waiting for 2 years. I got like 3 updates so far, story almost didn't progress at all. Meanwhile they took around 200 000-250 000$ so far in these 2 years by simple calculation just from Patreon. But keep defending, like all nerds does mostly for multi billionair companies. You were born to be cheated.


I checked on my side, but it turns out that it's more like 6 updates in 2 years and I only counted the major versions, which makes an average of one update every 4 months.

I think that for a game that requires a fairly meticulous finish, with only one artist capable of creating the scenes, we're not doing too badly.

As for the 16k$ per month, I think you're mistaken, a third of this sum is used to pay the people I work with, music, assets, animations, code.

 Another third goes to taxes (France is the world tax champion).

And the last third is divided into 2, one part for me because I need to make a living, and the other part is kept for the company's cash flow (very useful in case of unforeseen circumstances or if I want to hire someone else).

So it's not because $16,000 is written on the patreon that I'm injecting that much money every month, only a fool who doesn't know the value of money would do that.

So please, stop drawing conclusions that are a little too hasty, I invite you to work in game development so that you can get an idea of the reality of the situation :)

Plus there's planning the routes, coding them in, and working together as a team. Smaller teams can usually work faster than bigger teams if the bigger team gets caught up on what's actually going on. Can't just hire more people, because you need more managers, etc,and usually the longer waits are the art parts. Art, animation, and music. Another longer one is debugging.