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Cameron G

A member registered Feb 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback 😁 I'm planning on working on it more. Spent most of my time programming rather than making it pretty

Really loved the art style on this game, pretty fun gameplay too

thanks for the feedback. I know there's alot of balancing to do. also should have mentioned that if you click on the players base it brings up a shop to buy more ammo

Hi guys I know my page isn't flashy but I think the gameplay and programming speaks for itself if you give it a try. I'm pretty proud I was able to do this in a week. even though it all fell apart on the last day and I had to rebuild the game in a new project.

Hi, I'm a programmer looking to join a team I know c# most of my experience with unity is 2d games mainly working on UI. I'm also a pretty good pixel artist and can do 3D modelling in blender. My discord is Cam0#7955 add me if you're interested