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A member registered May 15, 2024

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That would be great.

Well I played through the true ending again and beat the final boss a second time (it was easy since I had the bouquet). I think that, apart from the annoying platforming bonuses which I don't feel like ever trying, I've probably explored at least 95% of what the game has in terms of content. I might play it again someday (but not any time soon, as even the mandatory platforming sections piss me off).

But overall I give it an A-. My biggest complaint (besides the platforming) is that my favorite website, YTMND, was only mentioned once... I wanted to visit it! Maybe there could be a special YTMND bonus episode? (YTMND is actually still around... well, it's glitched as of the last few days, but Max will fix it eventually, as he usually does)... I could even write the script for the YTMND adventure, if you would actually let me (probably not going to happen, but I figured I'd offer anyway).

And where are the piles of gold again? Sorry, it's been a while since I remember encountering them...

Thanks for that. Although there are still a lot of obscure things in this game that I have questions about. For example, what's with the instruction to use an egg against a 'gold enemy' to get a gold egg? I don't even have an egg to begin with.

Got it, and I also found the delivery side quest... but then when I went to the next boss it turns out it was a platforming challenge. Fuck that, quit before even trying to figure out how the mechanics work.

And I can't use Google search to backtrack from that dungeon either... so the last useful save I have is one right before I fought the DLC final boss. I guess I'll beat it again, do the delivery quest again, get the last plush again, but not go into Alwaysland 2, and then, uh, do the Sky Abyss again, I guess...

The ones that I currently have are: Anon, Catie, Til, Shift, Shrimp, Cornelia, Arianna, and Tyalie.

Also, I presume that most of the other places on the map (using the Google gem) are just there for decoration? There are a lot of towers, buildings, and towns you can't access.

And sorry but I don't use Discord.

Sorry I've been away for so long, but I have been playing the game a lot (unedited screenshot:  )

I beat the final DLC boss, and also the hidden boss that leads to the bonus ending. But I still have some questions.

1. How to get the rest of the plushes? I can see that there are still more places in the collector's house.

2. In the DLC sound test, there is another "Always" song, where does that play and how do I get to it?

3. I also forgot how to get back to the mountain where I can access the Sky Abyss, any hints to do that?

4. Does any other dialogue or anything change in any site after you beat the DLC boss?

Thanks for the help, found it (although I'm not sure if it works... it says it will prevent me from dying but even with it equipped I still got killed by that order boss in the other dream). Speaking of the other dreams, is there anything else I can get from any of them?

And I take it you mean the gem doesn't actually do anything.

Another question, is there a way to farm the 'bottle of swag' item, or some other way to improve strength stats? I remember there was an enemy in the deep web that could sometimes drop them, but after I beat that dungeon it seems I can't access it again. Is there any other way to get them?

Sorry for all the questions, I just like to fully explore all aspects of a game like this.

So I have a few more questions. First, what does the activation gem actually do, if anything?

Second, I know there must be something good hidden in that timed dream maze, any hints on finding it?


It's okay, I found another save that I didn't notice.

Okay, I'm still a bit confused about the DLC. Do I have to start an entirely new game and finish the main story all over again? Because I only have one save file and it's right before the final legion singularity battle.

(1 edit)

I was afraid my rant pissed you off so much that you stopped replying...

Anyway I am doing the postgame stuff, I didn't even bother trying the platforming in the beach section though. What I'm stuck on now is the sliding ice puzzle on the second level of the Sky Abyss. I can't figure out how to get to the exit at the upper left.

EDIT: I figured it out, made it to the end, and beat Legion. How do I play the DLC stuff now?

With your tip, and about 100 more tries, I finally beat it. Then I thought I was in the clear, and I got to the storm battle and chase... only to find ANOTHER PLATFORMING SEGMENT! Did I mention I suck at and hate platforming? I wanted to play an RPG, not this bullshit! ARRRRGGHHH!

(Okay, rant over, after way too much time I managed to get past that section too and finally get to the end of the game. I just wonder if I need to download anything else to access all of the postgame stuff or not)

I'm now in the final dungeon, but I'm having a lot of trouble with the platforming section. I hate the annoying flying ghost ship thing that chases you, and the spikes that keep shifting between different tiles. Specifically, I keep getting to the part where I have to jump over a series of single tiles with spikes on them that appear and disappear, but I can't get the pattern down to get across, even past the first one. Any tips?

(1 edit)

Is there some kind of trick to escaping the Hateful Reliquary? I've tried dozens of times and only made it to the beginning of the third screen a few times. Yes, I have the speed shoes equipped.

EDIT: It took me around 70 attempts, but I finally did it

Okay, now though I'm stuck on the first part of the spire, where I can't figure out where to go. In front there's a locked door that needs a key, to the right there's nothing, and to the left there's a puzzle where you walk over squares to change their color, and I tried matching it to the mini version in the room above (1 blue and 2 green), and even rotating and mirroring the pattern every which way, but nothing happens.

I was having trouble with the minigame where you have to dodge the machine's defenses in your airship. It made no sense since the airship sprite was nowhere near any of the shots and yet I was still getting hit. But I succeeded the second time just by pure luck, apparently.

Thanks, I got it now. I was on completely the wrong track, I thought it was binary or something.

Hey, great game, but there's a part where I'm stuck. When you play as Katy, there's a puzzle where you have to find the next number in a sequence, after:

1, 11, 21, 1211, and 111221

I've tried hundreds of combinations but I can't get it. Can you help?