Okk, thank's for answer. Yes, I got little stuck while creating the movement script. I hope I can do it better nextime 🙂.
Sit&Chill Studio
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Hi! Yes, I agree at all, your confusion is on the place. I know about this unfinished mechanics. Yes, definetely it is about serving customers and bringing new full barrels of beer to the bar, bringing wood to the fire, cooking some food, carring water from well for making soups and cleaning tables, selling bed for night.. (it's not finished, yet). About movement, It's need to be strictly on square grid (1x1 meters)? Or u just mean, to be more accurate settings for collisions? The main strugle for me was very short time period of this gameJam, unfornutely, I used just (75%) of this time. I really need more time to complete my game. I hope , I could to do some new updates, after gameJam rating. Much thx for your comment! 😊
Thx for your comment! :)) About that lighting.. I was playing my game with my friend yesterday on his "pc". And i just realised the fact if i play the game on my computer the lighting is more brighter then his lighting :/ , its not planned for the ghosts be that invisible :D Yes the stairs/ladder/and roof ground have problem, i try to polished it, but i was stuck on this last time, unlucky without solution. Yes definnetly need to fix that :))
Here is my tiny game ✌️ https://sitchill-studio.itch.io/ectoplasmsplash
Really nice action game! Detailed "Menu" and "UI", with nice and easy animations, beauty simple graphic. Good challenge shootin, cool diferently weapons. I like your desicion for aim flip the gun of "hero" self, if is cursor placed on them, for avoid to try player shoot himself :D I saw just one problem, in time of my play. Sprites in one line of screen/grid/map was be little "blink or glitchy" if my character moving. Which engine have u choice, for this game? Very good work!
Thx much! :) Yes i was thinking about that "logo name" , i agree, it's little out of place, yep. The reason is everything without logo is painting in smaller resolution. Maybe i could try put some more high resolution sprites objects in menu or in game too, because i think its could be more interesting and funny to look. Or i can just change logo, yep. Much thx for your react! :))
The "blue elevator" its like jump up to the elevator, and then it just brings you up.. Elevator reacts with new add force after u exit side colliders, and then u "Enter and Jump" to elevator again. Wooden crate/box it's here for another reason (other place to go up and find something :D I can't spoiler much :D). I planned, "Robootech" (main character) donť have "double jump" at start (not this version). So u need use "Wooden crate" it before that.