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A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey man thanks so much for playing and featuring my game in your video!!

The feedback is super helpful, since I didn't have time to balance the game during the 4 week challenge of making it (although looking back on it balancing the game is something I will do in future challenges) - I'll definitely take it into account when updating the game in the future :D

Thanks for playing and also the feedback!

Yeah I realised too late that I forgot to put an instructions page...but I updated the itch page with instructions in the description - hopefully that helps future people playing the game.

Thanks for the feedback!

I completely forgot to provide controls lol but I've added them to the description now. If I continue working on the game I'll definitely keep your suggestions in mind :)

While I have not personally come across the glitch you mentioned, there is a chance it could be real for everyone as I did not have very much time to play test during the 4 week challenge.

And yes there is an item spawn cap, but discarded weapons don't count towards it - I might make discarded weapons destroy themselves in the future to stop the arena from filling up with useless items.

Thanks for playing, and I hope you enjoyed it :)

Drop a comment and let me know what you think about the game!

Thanks!! 😊

Thanks for playing it! The collider is definitely something I should've done oops- I didn't even think of it when I was making the game so thanks for that :) - I hope you managed to play it properly after the fall. I think I said this in another comment, but yeah I wasn't that happy with the jump and the fact that the player gets semi-stuck on the side of platforms, but I spent too long working on trying to get the smooth camera follow so I ended up running out of time to fine-tune the movement mechanics - next jam I'll make sure to keep better track of my time.

Thanks again for the feedback, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Really cool game, good job! The graphics were amazing for a 48 hour jam, and the movement and mechanics all felt nicely polished. I would recommend perhaps making a better distinction between the civilians and the guards. Also, I think it might be more interesting if you could make each mode (shooting and moving) completely separate, so when you're moving you can't shoot and when you're shooting you can't move at all? I don't know how the gameplay would differ but right now it doesn't seem very necessary to use the two different modes apart from switching the direction of your weapon, so perhaps that would make it a bit more unique/interesting. 

Having said that, it was a great and original idea, well done!

Yeah... I didn't realise how hard it would be at first lol that's why I implemented an easy mode to go with it, but even then I didn't have enough time to completely change anything since I only had a few hours of each day to work on it :(

Hope you enjoyed it though!

Hi TheSneaK! Sorry this reply took so long, I haven't been on itch recently as I just had my exams. Thank you so much for playing my game, its really really appreciated!

I'm not asking you to make another video, but if you're interested,  I just released online leaderboards for the game, so if you want to, have a go and try to get to the top! Thanks again for sharing my game :)

Hey thanks again dude your advice is invaluable! I just replied to his post, fingers crossed he plays mine :)

I have started a new Instagram and Reddit account to try to get a larger community I can advertise to, and am going to try starting a YouTube channel for game dev tutorials after my exams are over. I'll definitely take a look at making a feedback topic and devlog topic (both of which I have no idea what they are lol I'll figure it out).

 Thanks for all the support you've given me! (including my exams haha)

Hey TheSneaK!

Thanks so much for the help you're offering, I'll be sure to check out your games and YouTube channel/videos. Right now I'm on exams so it might be a week or two before I do, but I would massively appreciate any help in advertising my game, as I am really quite clueless when it comes to it (I've tried using Reddit, Instagram and discord so far but not much success :( ) 

My game is Stealth, a game where you play as a robber trying to steal a diamond without being seen.

Thanks again :)

Thanks WillToPower!

My current idea moving forward with the story is to have a robot trying to escape its owner, and it has to collect keys/computer chips to unlock the door and get through each stage - it would allow me to make more complex and perhaps dynamic levels where the player has to get different items in a specific order. I'll see what I can do about the level size/shape (if I change the shape it won't fit the camera very well) but I'll definitely give it a go! Also the graphics and sounds will be improved in the next few updates :)

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Yeah it does thanks!

Just saying I probably won't be updating it much in the next week or two cos I have exams, but I'll definitely be continuing with it after that - all I'm saying is if you don't see updates in the next week or two it doesn't mean I haven't stopped working on it. And yeah people definitely should listen to you more :)

Also just wondering do you have any advice on marketing? (My game hasn't gotten very many plays since I released it :( )

Just letting you know I've edited the background music, models, and throwing the rocks like you suggested. I'm working on the story and player model, as well as sound effects. They should be out in the next few updates. It definitely feels much better to play now, so thank you for the suggestions! :)

(2 edits)

I made my game 'Stealth' originally for a game jam in 3 days, and got about 450 views and a few hundred plays in the first week or two. Since then, I thought it was quite successful (it's only my second game released) so I spent over 2 months working on an update for it, and released that a day and a half ago, but it only got 11 plays since then.

Does anyone have any advice how I can promote, or how to use Reddit to advertise properly? (I tried using it but I don't know where to post or how to structure the posts)

Edit: I don't know if I'm meant to post a link to my game here or not - if not someone tell me and I'll remove it:

Thanks for the feedback!

The music and sound effects I will definitely change either in the next update or the one after that - I'm just trying to figure out either where to find appropriate music/sfx or how to make it. With models, I am going to replace them in the future, starting with the watch tower in the next one, and patrol robots and the player after. I'm no expert in rigging and animations though, so I'll have to work on that before I make the player model (the patrol robot might not need too much animation as it is a robot, so I could design it to not be humanoid).

 Thanks especially for the feedback about throwing the projectile - When making the game, I wasn't sure how I wanted to throw the projectile as using the mouse was more intuitive, but meant that the game couldn't be played with the keyboard alone, but as you said using the current system can be difficult to know where it will go. I was considering was making it an option to use either space (current), IJKL or the mouse for throwing the projectile so that the player has more options and it can still be played with only the keyboard. If you have any opinions or suggestions on this idea they are very welcome :)

(I'm also a beginner developer so any advice is helpful :) )

Hi, I'm a starting solo indie developer in high school and just released a new version of my first 'proper' game - Stealth. I would really like to know what you think of the game - features I could add, what does and doesn't work well, bugs, design ideas, even telling me if you think it's not worth my time working on it any longer :)

Thank you!

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While this isn't the first time I'm publishing this game, it has gone through major updates as it was originally made in 3 days for a game jam. I have spent the past 2 months working on it and hope that plenty of people will play it (before I updated it had nearly 500 plays hoping I can get at least 500 more to be worth the time and effort).

Summary: It's a stealth game (as the title says) where you play as a robber trying to steal a diamond from a guarded location. There are currently 4 enemies: watch towers, security cameras, patrol robots and lasers. Right now it only has 7 levels, but I'm going to be updating it sometime this weekend to have 12 or more levels, and if enough people play I'll continue updating it. Another mechanic that I have implemented is throwing projectiles to distract enemies, but that is only in the final level right now, as I introduce mechanics one at a time to allow the player to adapt. I was originally planning to make 3 stages with an easy/tutorial stage, medium, and hard stage (7-12 levels each - this first release was meant to be 'Stage 1' as an introduction/tutorial), then either end the game there and work on something else or make a sequel (if it gets enough plays/good ratings), but I'm not sure whether I'll do that or just keep making more levels (if you have any suggestions or opinions feel free to let me know - they are greatly appreciated). That sums up the game - I hope you have fun playing!

P.S. If you could leave a rating or a comment with any feedback that would be greatly appreciated, or sharing it with others whether by dms, group chats, social media, or whatever else you use :) I'm a starting solo indie developer, so any help is appreciated!

Thank you, and enjoy!

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I just finished my second game jam, Week 142 GJ theme was Mischief

My game (stealth) as the title says, is about a thief who has to steal a diamond and escape without being noticed by the many guards, security cameras, and make sure they don't fall into a trap.


Every play, comment or bit of feedback is massively appreciated :))

Have fun playing it!

P.S. If enough people play it, I will consider working on it further to develop it into a release

Thank you rocknightstudios! I will definitely use your idea about using the red handle as an obstacle when further developing the game, it's an amazing and unique idea. I did notice what was wrong with the jump, and that is because to check for the ground, I only fired one raycast from the centre of the player downwards, so if the player was half off/half on the ground it would register as not on the ground. Thank you for your feedback again! :)