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Skeleton Crew

A member registered 82 days ago · View creator page →

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Great game! I liked the artstyle and the sound design was really solid. Movement felt crisp and I tried to speedrun after a few tries. My highest score was 690 with collecting all of the orange and purple gems. I think my score rolled over from different attempts because sometimes I started at 300 points. Other than that, I can see how this game can be expanded upon using multiple levels or making the map bigger with more purple gems. Very nice job!

Hey, great game! I like your take on the theme and the minecraft hit sound was a nice touch.
I wasn't too sure on where to go the first time playing through. It would be nice to get more clarity on where to go. Overall, I think the game mechanic was intuitive and related to the theme. Nice job!

Thanks for the comment! The zoom issue was a nooby mistake on my end and is something I learned how to fix shortly after the submission deadline. I can show you the math behind the valves over discord if you'd like. My discord is Eisenhour

Absolutely beautifully done.

Great game! I love how it relates to the theme I would have never thought of vampires and the sun. I was having trouble understanding exactly where I was since I'm floating a bit. It would be nice to have an indicator on exactly where I am.

Hey I really like how the visuals go together and the soundtrack is nice too! I'm just not too sure what I'm supposed to be doing or the controls. Overall, really nice job!