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It was rather confusing, at first, but I get what you were getting at—I just have to look into what the dialogue is saying more closer.

By the way, neat game, and the endings are pretty amusing taking in the context from the final room.

Well, it was going to happen as a solo developer eventually.

Glad it has been quickly resolved, nevertheless.

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That is good to know.

I appreciate that you found out AND even told me about it.

In fact, I also have their Fluttershy game that I have not checked yet in one of my collections.

Came back to confirm: by using EXACTLY what you said in THOROUGH procedure, it worked. :)

I mean, it is not all the time a game tricks you like that.

I even had the "$15" part already, but not the actual "1 banana = $1" part. I do not know if I should be offended by that.

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Well, that sounds a bit more convoluted, but it is not fatal; one can still figure out for themselves like I did as it is simple in design such as the four numbers to work with despite it being seemingly overwhelming at a glance.

I appreciate you taking the time to be thorough.

Yeah, that last part.

I am just wondering what was the process that was done where you got Deoxys' texts to which some double numbers fails, if not two certain number combinations always failing to follow one of the instructions provided that I even marked all that did within the document.

I just thought you may eventually caught up to that admittedly out-of-place use of words. I apologize.

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(By the way, thank you for your responses.)

I am only pointing this out for you to work in your thread onwards anyway, but I did also find a few spelling errors spread throughout the visual novel; and if I were to make a safe bet, you might want to check Deoxys' fail state for any more as well (42's not working, even IN one of the example texts).

I would not remember to even give a vague pinpoint on where they are because I was binging through it as much as I wanted to see before the day yet comes where I would become busy again on other things while I have been reading too much, so sorry I cannot be much help from there.

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Loving the visual novel as of V4.1 so far.

I am putting this for people translating Deoxese manually like I was because they may not have figured out the translator provided.

(fail state scenario not included):

(4 edits)

And on a seperate note for a joke, in case I get the hammer from this website for saying this:

I [mostly] did not even plan to fornicate with the human characters for as hot as they can be anyways, even Whitney, and stick with Pokemon (which is why I was here in the first place). But I put that intent aside simply just to spite this version of the brat she is—and as a bonus, for throwing away her Miltank, I was able to take her as my bitch like I wished to. So, how them apples?

Hello, first time playing this after V.4.1—23 days ago, as of now. Love the visual novel going as far as Chapter 3.

You know, I was actually hoping to "encounter" with Miltank because I really like the species when I went to "check" on Whitney—only to realize to my surprise that the latter is not the same 'Whitney' that I expected her to be (you know, aside from obviously changing her age), though I should have expected this as a seemingly alternate timeline.

So when this update had already rolled around months ago, my wish was actually granted in an unusually atypical way—something that was out of my control AND knowledge, but that should certainly show the brat in more ways than I intended. I really do like how the Miltank story was written and the AI images shown, both of which have ideas I was very interested in.

To leave on an ending note, this was practically my mind when I discovered "Lost and Abandoned":

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Ok, but it is still going to take a while when he comes back, especially for a recent announcement.

Glad he is okay, though.

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Well, I guess too much fertility just broke the game.
I did not even get to press the breed button before having her rest.

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So apparently this was only recent and it did not flew under my radar.

Cool. Happy 10th anniversary.

So, just to be safe, because I heard Steam can be a whole other beast when it comes to releasing furry NSFW there, should I just focus on the Itch version if things get awry? Even if I get a Steam Key from this?

...That would be the one.

Thank you for sharing.

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Not everyday I get to see Pinkie Pie in the flesh and paint be called by a different name by default—and I have not even gotten around to watch the show yet. Not officially, at least.

Must be an "Anon" thing going on here.

This was also when I was incentivized to look up for the first time of the fact that Pinkie Pie has an actual full name where her name was derived from.

Wow, it is THAT bad, huh?

I was wondering what the fuss is about.

...Yeah, I'ma be putting this boy to work tonight.

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Obligatory "Is ThAt a jOjO MeMe?! :O"—yes, I know.

I think I heard a bit of "Bloody Stream" from JoJo at the end of this game's music track.

What was that jingle? I was just panic-spamming the space bar.

I see.

Thank you for sharing.

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Honestly, I only just heard NOW that it got cancelled assumingly half a year ago, but I saw the second game being developed so it is not a total loss.

As it just so happens, I got here BECAUSE of SuperiorFox's words about this game.

Even then, I will eventually play this game despite it being unfinished just to catch up to speed of what I missed.

...I want to know where you got that thumbnail.

It looks...fabulous.

--Includes light spoilers--

A pretty endearing game made here, though I like someone to tell me this:
I do not suppose there was an ending for getting everything correct, but I genuinely want to know what the actual math answer is to it there, because I swear to CHRIST I know I am correct!

An apple is 10, a banana is 4, and a coconut is 2.

That should be 16, but the game tells me to check the bananas which I do not get how else I should figure, leaving me to screw over the sorry sap that is the jock. 

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Well, as a matter in fact, 'Sidequest' was something I have seen being mentioned more than once around this website.

With you bringing it up, I shall truly consider it when I properly set up to go onto researching for the proper cable to attach my future Oculus into my Windows monitor. It is an Inspiron 5400—no touch screen, that seems to be the 'urban' part—so I am not sure how well that will go.

Regardless, I appreciate you communicating with me.

What happened now?
I checked the accounts and I still do not get it.

Hold on, cannot I just download this on Windows and be fine so long as I have an actual Oculus? It is going to be with the third version.