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A member registered Sep 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love that you appreciate all of that! The 3D and music guys made a wonderful job here :) Indeed, we tried to make the notes patterns hard, but also fun. Also there is space for the player to learn them, as they are relatively similar.

Totally! It felt like getting the level end screens in Celeste :)

Thanks dude! The music is really one of the main points when designing and developing this minigame! As we decided to make only one level, we decided to make it hard so it could be replayed hehe so don't give up!

Yup, a little. We wanted to make a music videogame, and when the theme was announced, we had some discussions to see what we could do, but we eventually did what we could :) The notes to be played are unknown, but not dark XD

Glad you enjoyed and thanks for your feedback! Designing the visual/audio feedback has definitely been one of the hardest tasks, not because of hard work but because of design matters. We'll take this into account :) 

Puzzles are very original and the photos are funny, it was fun playing it. 

I loved the aesthetics and the idea of not seeing myself when I shoot. This is a great videogame idea :) Art style and initial cut scene are also beautiful!

Nice bullethell hell :)

haha love to hear that, that's intentionally there, we loved that cheese with the physics :) We used unity for this game btw

We saw that bug only once but, but could never reproduce it. I'm so sorry you couldn't try it properly :( We uplodad webGL and windows builds just in case, maybe the windows exe works well for you.

git gud