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A member registered Jan 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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thank you! :>

I don't have much to add that other jammers haven't mentioned - its a fun challenge and its a unique take having a chase situation going on!! maybe having the gun fire automatically when held would help the player focus on deflecting candy canes :>

(1 edit)

this game is really cute! i love the pixel art its very cozy and christmassy, and having the second minigame as a recovery / second chance to get closer to your quota is a really clever idea!

my only suggestions would be to perhaps lower the gravity or add some sort of variable jump height for smaller jumps? and sometimes it can be hard to tell what buildings are part of the background vs which you can stand on! overall its a very nice game :))

high score: 650 :)

this is the most heartwarming feedback ive ever gotten for any of my games, thank you so much for taking the time to review and play it!! im so glad you enjoyed the few levels i got out, i wish i had more ready. i was thinking about just leaving this game as is but, after seeing that you two enjoyed it that much, i think im happy to go back and add more content!

i wanted alot of ways to beat the level, but due to the strict time limit and it being my first 3D game there were only two for each in the end and you found them. i might try and get closer to that goal by updating the old ones as well :)

thank you!! that mouse bug is so annoying it seems to affect everyone, ill fix it once I can! :)

ofc and its a game jam game, don't worry about it that much!! can always update after if you want too :)

Ohhh that makes more sense! Look forward to seeing the fixes :)

This game is so weird and I love it for it. The addicting loop of trying to keep a full board of perfectly matched investments, the incredible narration, especially the narration, did i mention the beautiful narration? (In all seriousness the music alongside paper flipping and occasional quotes does help keep you interested)

 Unfortunately I crashed a bit after getting to the [spoiler warning] cthulu space eyes looking section, so I'll have to replay it at some point. My only other nitpick would be maybe colourcoding or adding the images of investments to the instruction to make it clear which is which (especially orange and yellow when first introduced)

Overall i think this game deserves wayy more attention tho, nice job :D

thank you!

Love the vibes for this game. the art is charming. The gameplay is pretty simple and repetitive but it makes sense why it would be! The upgrades help keep you interested, all though they are a little vague about what exactly they change and how much by: Does speed increase mopping time? Is it lower chance for messes to occur? I found that hold amount upgrades made it a little too easy to keep happiness high and the longer delay between upgrades made gameplay a littlebit too repetitive.

 Overall I definetly enjoyed it though!!, its definetly got a  'nostalgic for a time before me' feel for me personally :)

The idea of drawing top down and having the car move in 3d is very clever! I managed to get the car to clip through buildings by drawing around them quickly and eventually the cursor became bugged and moved in the wrong direction? Its pretty understanable though given the short time to get a game jam done, especially for such a unique control method. I didnt quite understand how points worked when you picked up passengers either. The menu is super cool though, as im sure most comments will say haha. 

This game has great visuals! I think its a pretty funny idea to have impatient people set the place alight, but it seems to happen way to quickly to manage serving drinks + putting it out, which just creates more and more umanagable fire. Overall its a sweet game visually and the gameplay is fine, maybe just a little bit too difficult to keep up.

Hey, I'm having trouble understanding the premise of the game? Im not sure where to dance, nor how or if im supposed to get past the dolphin enemy on the first screen? Apologies if its me completely missing something, its seems others might not be having the same issue.

However from the first look the game seems to match the theme very well with the art and music! I'd be happy to try it again and update my rating if you could explain the game more detail :)

Im so glad I had a controller handy to play this! I love the movement the most: Climbing is simple and responsive with the controller vibration, and its super fun to slingshot yourself upwards on the bigger gaps! It feels like a more fluid and speedy Human Fall Flat if you've ever played that game.

I also like the 3d screen/fisheye lens and the charming variety of stars and planets etc. in the art :)

My only critisism would be that requiring controller is a bit limiting for who can play the game (i totally get why a game like this works much better on controller though).

This is such a unique idea, love how it creates stress and difficulty by balancing two different tasks! Art and music are spot on, my only critisisms would be that sometimes the icons for orders can be difficult to see, and maybe some sound would be good (especially audio prompts for talking or new customers)!

AHH that's so annoying, sorry your having issues, you can either try downloading the game or clicking the window. thanks for the bug report though!

Hey!! As the person behind the diamond end goal and dev story blog, im so happy you like both!! Glad you enjoyed the game as a whole too, really proud of our little team for pushing through those last 24 hours :))

Yeah thats fair! I think it was originally intended to be two seperate players but we all playtested it as one so its possible but quite the challenge :D

AHHH this is so cute! I love the haj, love the art style and trans colours >:D

The gameplay is really fun too! Only feedback would be that I had trouble with the grabbing feature where I couldn't figure out when to press/hold.

so real

Hey! Thanks for the great feedback, this game was so rushed after wanting to get it within 3 hours that honestly I just wrote it off mentally as a joke or just 'bad', so thanks again for taking the time to outline its many flaws and give me something to take away from it! 

I agree with your points, most of them definitely being a time management issue where I was unable to include the art and variety in levels I wanted (Originally planning for 2+ bouncers and colours in a single level). I intended for the first level to be a 'show not tell' tutorial where you couldn't fail, giving you a chance to figure out how to move the bouncer and what that results in, but it seems that didn't translate as well as I hoped.

i dont remember making any of that but perhaps that is because i whited out too, you are welcome nonetheless <3

yeah, it was quite disappointing, but thanks! glad you liked going through the document, im sure some ideas could be recycled at some point :)

yeah im glad we still managed to get it done, the others feel the same if they don't comment here as well. thanks for the compliment on the character art too!

i like the twist on a usual catching game by having the player constantly move! makes sense given the games theme as well. gameplay is fun and the sfx is entertaining! managed to get to 12700 score :)

thank you!! im glad you had fun with it, i am very happy with how the dynamic works so im also happy you pointed that out :)

thank you so much! a lot of the effort designing the game went into what you mentioned (intuitive and simple gameplay, very minimal palette etc) so i am very glad you appreciated all of those features! :>

You are very welcome!! A post jam update would be great! the game is fun already as is ofc :)

I like this game! I really like the way you introduce the 3rd tool (mop) with the rain during the run, it makes sense! Only feedback would be to speed up the animation for cleaning a puddle, it can look like its not been dealt with when it has. Well done! :)

Very fun game! I like the visual flair - the camera movement, the particles etc. It makes the game very appeasing!

Here is my feedback:

  • The heart container bugged out a bit, showing the 4th heart as empty constantly. this caused a gap when you have 5 hearts.
  • Beyond level 12, I noticed that the character flashes red and yellow and instantly destroys any enemies nearby? Unsure if that is an intentional 'spawn protection' or something to do with the explosion
  • I would recommend limiting or despawning hearts over time. It is easy to constantly replenish health by avoiding extra ones!

I know thats a lot of nagging but it is because I like this game and would love to see these addressed in a post jam update if you are planning on it! Congrats on making this game :>

this is really good! the gameplay is simple but manages to reward restraint in waiting for a powerup before using a gust. very cozy atmosphere as well, love the intro animation! :)

only feedback is collecting powerups is quite difficult, both due to the random spawning and their small size

awesome! sounds like a good idea, and you are very welcome!

cozy and matches the theme very well! feedback would be make the cone where leaves are blown a bit smaller, but thats very minor and may be just a me thing. well done!

this is really sweet! gameplay is very simple but the amount of stuff to clean means the game length is perfect for keeping you interested whilst lasting a while! sound was great aswell, really well done! only feedback would be that leaves could spawn ontop of the lakes, and that the trees had some strange collision.

this game is an absolute fever dream, thank you for making this JHKDHDSHKK as most people said the music is great, the gameplay is pretty fun too, well done! :>

thank you!! first comment about the colour scheme which is nice :)

this is a really sweet comment, ill pass it on the to DJAlpha (the games composer and sound designer)!

(1 edit)

thank you so much!! i really appreciate this comment, it does take restraint as early on i was already having ideas about limiting flips or a 3rd green layer! the fact you feel 'outclassed' here shows that your willing to learn from others, which is a great way about doing things! if you want some advice, id say be aware about feature creep and think about a mechanic and why it's in the game before implementing it.

absolutely lovely comment tho, ill pass it on to the feedback to the others, best of luck in your future jams! :>

(p.s thanks for noticing the control schemes :D)

i understand, there is not much time for bug fixing! and you are welcome, it's still a very fun game!

the effects are brill in this game! the glow and outline of selected outlines and the great audio + sound for weather are really well done! ony issue is i did run into a bug where my composters got stuck around a tree and couldnt move. really well done tho!

thanks! the bats were a last second addition, glad you like them!

i am also very glad you appreciate the control options!! it was something i always forget to do but helps everyone enjoy the game their own way :)