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A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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unfortunately, builds in this page are not working. but we've fixed problems so you can find working builds on this page:

Maybe you played the pre-patched version of a game? With new bug fixes, obstacles should be placed more evenly

Maybe you played the pre-patched version of a game? With new bug fixes, obstacles should be placed more evenly

Hi and thanks for your comment! The level consists from a bunch of Tilemaps (one for each type of tile), so every mutation tick we just pick random coordinates and spawn a random tile at this coordinates on a desired Tilemap. I don't know how optimized this is, but it is the only solution that came to my mind.

I like all your suggestions, but with little remarks. More lifes is certanly a needed thing, but right now the level is too small, so I thought that if player have, for example, three lifes, it will be too easy for him to finish the game. Of course, if I add more levels and make them bigger, life system should be implemeted. And since there is a timer that shows you time before next mutation, you can predict when new obstacles will be created and (at least that's how I thought it will work) jump before mutation, so you have some time to find a safe spot. Death animation though is a nice thing and i wanted to do that, but didn't have enough time :(

Thanks for your comment, again! Hope you had some fun playing my game

It is amazing how much content you made in just 48h. I really like chill vibes this game gives me. The simple graphic style is nice to look at. And I just love the fact you can eat the sky and sun in this game

This fungus animation is so beautiful! I have no idea how you achieve this, but I like it. Browser version was almost unplayable for me, so I downloaded post-jam version and it works well. I think, you should work on balance a little bit, because even on a hard difficulty it was easy to win (even though I lost once). And I don't think it is possible to lose on medium and easy difficulty. Still it was fun to play! It was kind of a tower-defence game for me

The health/power balance mechanic is quite unique, I think I saw something similar only in warlocks in WoW, but I also love how different enemies make you weaker but healthier and vice versa. I like the soundtrack but would appreciate some sound effects too. Nice game though!

well, there are two types of spikes that can appear on the level. the first one is completely static, it appears and disappears every mutation tick. but the second type is a moving one. they are coming in and out of the ground while they are on the level. maybe moving spikes is what seems to be the issue? if so, i made another version and moving spikes should be visible for more time before they become danegerous. also, i fixed this "failed to load mono" error (it turned out i screwed the .zip file again), so please check it out again!

yes, i agree with you. though, i don't know how to fix it now :(

Absolutely beautiful game. I love this pixelated filter, I love this animation in main menu and the whole atmosphere is great (giving me some Manhunt vibes for some reason). Gameplay is great too, I like how character gain some visual mutations along with inner mutations. But, I would like to get more response when mobs beat me. Sound effect played sometimes, but not always.

thank you really much! i thought about doing this in main menu, but unfortunately i didn't have time for it

thanks! all bugs are fixed now, so you can try it out again

oh, sorry, didn't know about this. uploaded the .zip with everything