John is my spirit animal and I want nothing more than for him to lead a happy life.
I really like the RPG parts of this game. Especially the whole elemental weakness advantage component. And I like the whole Star Knight devil trigger. It's fun!
And jeez, the UI and presentation and art is so GOOD!
I'm not at all into NTR and, admittedly, I didn't much care for what was going on in the real world segments. But since they were a plot sort of attached at the hip to begin with, I felt like I was fine just skipping them.
So looking at how I think the gameplay could be improved...
I get that Star Knight is your emergency button and you can only use it once a day. But it also turns bosses into a joke at almost no expense. Maybe have Star Knight post-prologue start out being a weak superform that gets stronger with more story progression. There was even mention of the collar growing stronger after a boss was defeated.
Or just give the Player a free Star Knight charge before a boss because I would just pass the day before a boss encounter if I had already spent my collar for the day anyway. Star Knight is a great mechanic, but I want to fight bosses seriously AND pop my Devil Trigger when it matters the most.
Most of your Corruption was spent on Real World progression with the only benefit in Isekai being H-related. Especially in the Chapter 1 rooms. Would it be possible to tie Real World progression to the RPG component's growth as well?
The last thing is that a lot of dialogue can get kind of long. Which is fine. That's to be expected from an RPG. But I'm guilty of skipping long stretches of dialogue and I might miss out on some crucial information to advance a Quest. Completely my fault.
At least once, I started to explore aimlessly trying to suss out where my next Dungeon was. It might help players to get a nudge from the last quest NPC by talking to them again. Or maybe put the hint on the Quest Objective itself. I think talking to an NPC is more preferable since it puts more agency on the Player getting the hint themselves.
I've had a lot of fun so far!
Also put more lovey-dovey H with John.