nah the one after that, with the x and triangle :p
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I like that you can customize your character, The control is a bit weird, I think not being able to jump because you can't run doesn't feel too good especially since the level design doesn't seem optimized for it. idk if it's a bug, but If stop running, I stop moving if I let go of 'A' so I have to run constantly. Then at level 2 I got into a gap and was soft-locked making me stuck there.
I never got the chance to attack, seemed more like just run and dodge kind of thing, or maybe I did something wrong.
Also maybe do a small tutorial of how the mechanic work.
I like the gameplay it's fun! my criticism is to make a UI to tell the player the coffee is empty/heating/done/etc.
Although I guess one could argue that it makes it "harder" but I think it would be a quality of life change. I think the art is nice too although I think it looks funny when they walk down. audio and menu is good too!
ah no the jankness came from the fact that you can control with wasd which makes it feel like a turn based game but it isn't. Although when I play with clicking, it feels more natural, does that make sense?
Also if the player didn't control with wasd, it wouldn't have the phasing wall problem so that would have been easier to deal with. Aside from that moving with mouse is good.
I did NOT look at the image of the map, I spent way too long trying to figure out where I'm going but I managed to get to the boss somehow. You should include the map as an introduction before starting the level. but also for future development, you shouldn't rely on like some sort of website to instruct people on how to play the game. these things should be included unless they are like super simple.
Another thing is that the movement is kind of awkward, stopping in place to shoot doesn't really feel good, and the fact that the map is so huge, I think you should really rely on moving really fast.
in my opinion I think the enemies have too much hp, but if you are going to nerf the hp you should make up for more enemies just so it is satisfying.
I like the art and music!