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A member registered Mar 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Okay, just noted all of these down, gonna go and try to fix them; thanks for reporting! 

Thanks for liking the game! You necessarily don't have to monetarily support the game, maybe try recommending it to a friend or something of the sort if you really want to.

  • As for language, yeah, no; that's something way too complicated to properly do, even more considering it's just me, I'm sure there are a couple fan translations out there. And even though I'd like to have it in more languages, it's not something I can currently do
  • You can actually run using shift iirc, and there is a walking speed changing option in the same menu to go to the memory room
  • And for the discord server, I plan on opening one next year. If you want to DM me, feel free to on Twitter or Discord:  sleepy_axl

Thanks for your feedback!

Noted, sorry for the inconvenience.

Interact with the lower part of the bed, if that's not working for some reason, I'll check it out.

Well, for the bats the reason is: I keep forgetting to do it since the complains about that one aren't as frequent; I'm already adding one for that as well as debugging the skip for the guards. For now maybe save scumming can help until I add the skip, but then again: Sorry for the inconvenience.

Glad to see you're enjoying everything else, I'm already working on a overhaul for the game's code so this and other issues with it don't happen anymore (but that one will take some time...), for now I'll have to patch it, so thanks for letting me know!

It is there but gonna chec it, since some people seem to be having trouble with it. Sorry for the inconvenience

Joiplay works for it

Oh, didn't notice in the pic; yeah, you're softlocked :p

Going in and out of the room should reset, careful with blocking your way out tho, you can softlock yourself :p

Thanks, don't worry about it; I try to have a healthy work shcedule and mentality.

Glad to see you're enjoying the game, and thanks for your concern!

Oh, didn't know about that one, thanks!

Eso no vende :p

If you mean as in if there's a skip, there currently isn't; I'm gonna add one for next update. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Dw, take your time!

As in her appearing more, yes; as in giving her some ero scenes, also yes... but this one will take some time xD

In around 7-9 days

(1 edit)

Losing 10 times gives you skip, sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks! Don't feel forced to do it if you can't, recommending to people is more than enough xD

"Game's folder" > "www" > Then copy the "save" folder into the same place in new version, sometimes you'll need to use the bugfix to solve any compatibility issues.

Talk to Alice at afternoon and play videogames with her to raise her friendship, at 5 or 10 you should be able to do headpats by selecting "Actions" when talking to her.

If you mean as in pregnancy, probably not.

Beta should be out tomorrow.

For Android just use JoiPLay, I've heard it works quite well.

I don't think I have one, not even for testing stuff xD

Yeah, I know it's not the best thing to do but I've abandoned the art of disappearing for months until I have enough content, since I feel like it's stealing money from patrons.

Should be fine though, been working on this for a while and have made good progress, if I ever feel like I need to dedicate exclusively to it, I'll do that.

For control points, you can press "P" at any time to see it, maybe I'll make it more clear next update.

As for friendship (?) events and variety, I have them planned and I want to do it but currently the game's code is trash (even after already being remade 1-2 times), and it'll most likely break if I try to add more stuff. That's why I'm working on an overhaul/remake in parallel with normal updates, it'll be a while until that's done though :p

Just use any mind control scenes when talking to the girls (sessions give you the most, so I recommend those for farming).

Thanks, and unless I make a post saying I'll leave the game, another update will always be on the way xD

It's given as a sidequest as soon as you unlock the facility

(1 edit)

Well, it's only me so I can't really afford to do it, since I'm kinda full with the drawings already lol

"Game's folder" > "www" > Then copy the "save" folder into the same place in new version, sometimes you'll need to use the bugfix to solve any compatibility issues.

The skip thing repeats after another 10 times, but I know what you mean xD
Sorry for the inconvenience!

I wish xD

Gonna check it, thanks!

I have no idea how the app works or how to fix that :p

If you're new, shouldn't really need to do it, just interact with the lower part of the bed. The vfx blends with it so you may have missed it (?).

It's for frienship interactions, so far you can only headpat Alice.

Press "P" at any time and select the girl you want.

If you mean the "Doll", "Heat" and "Have them as themselves" options, it's planned to be able to keep the girls in that state, but still later on.

If you want to send feedback, here: sleepy_axl