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A member registered Jun 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Heyhey! It's been a while since you wrote this, but I still wanted to reply, because whenever someone takes the time to give that much in-detail feedback about my game it makes me SO happy :D There's only barely a playerbase to speak of, so everytime I realize someone spent that much time with Monsters of Kanji I get all excited. So: THANK YOU! 

Don't wanna get into your feedback too much, because that can be a bit weird, being the developer.  Still, a couple of things: The fox-thing is actually intentional. I really wanted the player to be reminded of Marty's goal. But I, too, found myself getting angry at how long the sequence takes (And I playtested this thing for like 1000 hours XD). The camping-scene would have been a perfect opportunity for a skip-option, I'd say. Other than that I have to agree with all of the issues you had. And since you already guessed as much: Cara WAS added last minute, and her "skills" were a desperate way of making her relevant for the gameplay XD The sign she's holding on the other hand: Not having the kanji meaning next to it is by design. I wanted Cara to work different in terms of how she "confronts" the player with various kanji.  But with many things in this game: Sometimes it works, other times not so much :) Monsters of Kanji being my first "real" game, I could not contain all of the ideas I wanted to implement. Now I know that a bit less of everything could have made for a way smoother experience. And I'm pretty sure someday I will get back to this and streamline the whole game. 

For now, though, I'm working on Monsters of Kanji 2, using the experience I got as well as quality-feedback like yours to create a conclusion to Marty's story. And while progress is a bit slow at the moment, I will take all of your points to heart. Like field skills: They won't require switching characters anymore and instead are permanently added to Marty's spacesuit instead. Stats will be explained properly and there's some kind of hub area where you can read various tutorials as often as you like to. There's a also a visualization of enemie's weaknesses in battle...and much more. 

Really glad you had fun with the game despite some of its edges. And again: Thank you for taking the time to share your feelings about it! :) :)

:) yay! Nice to hear,thanks! 

Yeah, haven't even gone through the whole list myself :D thanks for the comment. Really nice to hear :)

Thanks for doing this! Please add my game as well:

:) oh man, sorry - didn't see your comment. Will be updating this store page soon. Looking forward to seeing you beat the final boss of MOK and witnessing the ending. Thanks for the comment :)

Uuuhhh. That sounds exciting. I'll look into that. Thanks!! 

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THANK YOU! :) :) :) Makes me so happy! I have played those games countless times. Mother 3 might be one of my favourite games ever and it certainly influenced me a lot. Most of MONSTERS OF KANJI is looking all sweet and light hearted. Until it eventually doesn't anymore... There's a lot about confronting fears and dealing with loss in here. Only most people don't know about that because it takes so long to get to that point :) Thanks again for making my day! :)

Thank you! I know...Mac/OS is something I would love to do, but you'd actually need one to make a proper build. If this ever happens, I'll let you know for sure! Thanks for showing interest anyway :) :)

Spent my mornig coffee with the pre-alpha 4.0 and I'm really impressed :) Couple of small things I encountered:

- Accessing the creepy door on Floor 1 Manufacture from the north before having the Creepy key makes Beatris turn up when inspecting the door, instead of down

- After leaving the mansion there's a black border in the lower left part of the screen (I was on my way to Ivan when it happened)

-After getting the Chic key on my way back to Schmidt the transfer event brought me into the wrong room. Luckily, I could get out there with the phone. 

- When I first entered the room with the painter (Did this after talking to Schmidt but before talking to Ivan) the transfer brought me to the south wall of the painter's room. Nothing major

But all in all this is already such a cool game. The atmosphere and music are top notch as are the pixel-animations. The investigation has such a great vibe to it. Also, the interactions between Beatris and Mrs Volkov are very interesting and create a nice connection to both of them. I also love the area I'm in right now, the office full of agents. Don't want to go too much into detail here but in just 2 hours of gameplay you already have me hooked on a number of things. Wow, wow, wow!