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A member registered Oct 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very cool use of the theme/prerequisite. It's very satisfyingly to run through the game with all of your past selves murdering everybody. Really nice job.

Very chill, I loved the presentation. The color coding on the mail is a nice touch.

Really nice for a first jam. Rolling around as the pumpkin is really fun. Definitely try more jams, it's a great way to get better fast! Nice work.

Thanks! The rooms are placed randomly, but we set it up so that harder rooms show up later in the game. Our initial plan was to make the game endless with a high score system, but we figured a win condition would be more satisfying. Thanks for playing!

I managed to get 9.8k. It's pretty fun, the effects are a bit overwhelming though. I liked the weapons, and the revive mechanic was cool. Nice work!

Definitely a unique concept. My main gripe is that sometimes it's impossible to get the correct answer, but otherwise a cool game. Nice job!

The monsters look great, I love the animations on them.

Presentation is great, changing the music in each state was a really nice touch. I liked how wiggly the ghost guys were too. Nice work!

The hand drawn art is great. I think it would be cool if there was something on the screen to let you know when the gun is reloaded, but overall pretty cool. Nice work!

Pretty cool, I really liked making everyone attack each other. Nice work!

Cool art.

Impressive work for 2 days. The possession mechanic was a really cool way to handle the theme and prerequisite.

Thanks! Death is a pretty cool guy.

Pretty neat that dying is beneficial. The game looks great visually too, nice work!

Those enemies are brutal! Love the atmosphere, and the fog monster gave me a laugh. Got stuck after finding the first checkpoint.

Neat concept, I liked how you used the prerequisite. My only complaint was that the game did not pause when selecting level up rewards. Nice work!

The art is beautiful, though I have to agree that the gameplay is a bit confusing. I wasn't really sure how I was affecting the detective. Nice work though, the atmosphere is great.

Very nice presentation and interesting puzzles.

Really cool concept. It was definitely a little tricky to keep track of controls, but maybe that's just me. Definitely a neat idea, I felt like I was cheating in a speedrun.

Fun bullet hell, those triangles are the bane of my existence.

Cool concept, dying in different ways to solve puzzles is a neat idea. Nice job!

Looks great, had a lot of fun figuring out what to do. It's a shame about all that money I wasted though


Presentation was great, and I thought it was cool that the prerequisite applied to the player and the enemies. Nice job!

Thanks for checking it out! We definitely should have considered that people might want to use W to jump.

Cool vibes

Reminds me of Hotline Miami, definitely a cool concept. Had a good time playing handgun catch with the zombies. BTW, itch provides an option for adding a full screen button in the game settings.

The art is fantastic. I did run into issues starting the game and had to refresh the page a few times to get it working. Very nice presentation, nice work.

Loved the voice acting and art. I kind of wish there was a timer or something to add to the difficulty a bit, but overall it's a cool game. Nice work!

Haha, better late than never! Thanks for playing.

The idea is that Gary is trying to make sure his business survives. Thanks for playing!

Cool concept! I managed to get a little over 400,000 points.

I like the idea, and the simple controls are nice, but a bit hard to use effectively. The art style is simple but good. Nice work!

This game is pretty fun. I do think you need to find a way to incentivize building somehow, as I stopped building altogether once I realized I could dump all of my points into damage and speed. Maybe there could be something you have to protect? Nice work.

A fun twist on an old classic. At one point the hunter shot my whole tail off, and I was just a head which was pretty funny. The music was nice, and I really liked the bit crushed scream when you eat the hunter. Nice work!

Great concept, I really like the mechanic of having to shoot to move, and not being able to touch the walls makes it difficult in a good way. I would say with some polish like music and sfx, and maybe some extra enemies this could be a really sick game. Nice work.

This game is very difficult, but the movement system is really satisfying once you get it right.

The visuals are clean and simple in a good way, and the gameplay is satisfying. I will say that this kind of game would benefit from some good background music, but other than that this game is pretty good. Nice work!

I really like the look of this game, and the transitions between gameplay and the menu are nice as well. A sound effect for when an enemy dies would be nice, but the music is great and the bullet hell gameplay is pretty fun. Nice work!