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A member registered Jul 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Where was it occurring? if it was in the boss rush stage, it has been fixed, it was caused due to janky code regarding the boss intros not ending properly and forcing the player to look to the right

If it's something different, please describe it more in detail so I can check

That alternate segment wasn't supposed to be there for that version yet, and thus the destination of the teleport didn't exist, but it does now e.e

Sorry for the late response Spark
-You can't damage the bosses before the battle starts anymore, which avoids the AI bug.
-Fixed the missing bullets when changing characters.
-Added midway checkpoints.

I'll take into account adding an intro, weapons/items/characters got screen and ending, I didn't consider it priority, but yeah, the feeling of accomplishment is lesser without them.

I'll see what I can do with the background issues you mentioned, I think adding a small optional customizable filter should remedy the issue a bit (Prob going to revise the colors later too, but it's not priority as of yet)

Thanks for the support! ^.^

Quint is not in the game... Sorry :(
Most probably going to add either him or Punk once I add the MegaMan 2 content though
The magnet beam is available in the latest version, in Elec-man's stage (Same place as the original, in prior versions it was just a energy pickup as I hadn't implemented the 1-time collectables)

Enker is only available on the latest version, he is a secret stage.
To unlock him, you have to:
1. Find 4 secret letters scattered in the levels of Cut, Ice, Fire and Elec-man (The 4 robot masters from MM1 that were in Wily's Revenge), most require a specific weapon/item/chip to access.
2. Once you have the 4 secrets, head to Wily stage 1 and find a teleporter, it will only open if you have the 4 secrets, once you step on it, you will be teleported to Enker's stage.
3. Beat Enker's stage.

Greetings BinraryCode
1. Yeah, you can pretty much grab onto the same ladder with no issue... that's because you don't fall while taking knockback on the fangame, but you do on the originals.
2. You mean like screen-size x1, x2, x3, etc? I'll take note of it.
3. The are checkpoints before the boss, but not mid-level, most likely going to add mid-level checkpoints.
4. I would need to check how to do it, but seems like a nice idea.
5. Just fixed it in dev build.
6. They take roughly the same time as in the original, but I'll take it into consideration.
7. Many people have reported similar issues, I managed to replicate the bug on the latest dev build, I'm working on it.

What a chunky comment 0.0


1. The combination of super and jet adaptor sounds interesting.
2-9. Most of this "Overcharge" weapon attacks sound interesting, I'll maybe add some of this, maybe some could be the inherent robot master abilities (Cutman's head scissors do damage and Gutsman's landing makes a shockwave, but other characters lack abilities).
11. The GB games don't feature the 8 robot masters in the game, so it would only affect some stages, besides, I have some other plans for GB content.
12. Maybe as an option, as in Powered Up and the X games you access each Wily/Fortress level individually.
13. I changed them so they are in the same order as powered up, I find that the Copy robot/Fake Megaman battle to be more fitting towards the end, maybe I could add a small climbing section at the start of Wily 3 so it fits better.
14. Yeah, I have cutscenes in mind, adding a Wily stage map transition like in the classic games sounds nice.
15. INDEED! I currently think of making them a "Change game" to switch between (Megaman1 - Megaman2 - Challenge) for example and a stats screen to see things like how many times you have died, fastest times, times you have beaten X stage and such.

1. That doesn't happen to me in the current dev build, I hope I fixed it.
2. I checked, part of the code that spawns the bolt and the code of collecting the bolt were mixed.
3. Not a bug, but it is incomplete, I intend to add a sort of oil blast that shoots blobs in many directions.
4. Messed up, the code didn't set the speed properly, it works now in the last dev build.
5. The messed up collision was fixed in another version I'm pretty sure, you used to clip into the floor, but the tiles seem to have the proper collision attached (Again, it could be a dev build thing).
6. Not a bug, I could make the jet adaptor work with bass too (as he has Treble), I don't know if I should make weapons like the main busters (Mega-Proto-Bass) have a ammo consumption, seems unnecessary, maybe for robot masters.
7. Just checked all 8 robot master stages, seems to be working fine on my end... I think the shoots spawning in a corner it's fixed in the last version.
8-10. Currently intended, could change in the future, the stage bosses doesn't change and dialogs are currently generic for everyone, dunno what will I change in that regard, I guess I could at least add custom dialogs for each character encountering each boss, so they at least have a bit of banter like in Powered Up or show surprise when encountering themselves.
11. Not a bug :) weeeeeeeeeeeeeee... :D *AHEM* as I said... it's intended.
12. I never encountered that, I'll see if I can add a counter measure just in case.
13. Happened when I changed their behavior once but forgot to update how the animation triggers, I'll check it out

Thanks for the motivation, and don't worry, I wasn't bothered reading all of this safe when I saw supposed 13 bugs but most of those should be fixed in the current dev build

I'll see if I put a dev build in the discord so people can help me test things or check if those things are still in the game

I have some time that I haven't worked in the game, but I could show some spoilers of what's done so far e.e

Hello Sonny
Do you mean being unable to grab a ladder if you are holding a diagonal? or megaman not going up/down a ladder he's grabbing if holding a diagonal?
I'll check how it works in the nes games, I think in those you could always use diagonals in ladders, if so I'll change it.

Greetings Luka, could you be a bit more specific?

Do you mean that the shots sometimes come from somewhere else than the hands or cannons? or is it something else?

Thx Dr. Smug, maybe I'll implement the Powered Up OST in some way, however, I have considered since the start that I could implement multiple games in the project, like lets say 1 and 2, there was never a sequel for Powered Up, so the extra music would need original remixes...

And yeah, I should add gamepad remapping, I'll put it on my list

(4 edits)

Hi Mimicry, the lobby system works in a similar way to Among Us, here is an explanation:

-All players set up a unique nick and go to server

-1 player creates the lobby that everyone will join by double clicking [Create lobby]
The lobby creator has control over the match settings, score to win, map to play, and some balance related things.

-After the host creates a lobby, the other players double click the nick of the host on the lobby list to join that lobby
if no lobbies show up, this either means that there are no lobbies, or, that the lobby was created after you entered the screen, double clicking [Refresh list] will load the list again

Congrats! you have joined a lobby
Now the host can start the game.

Up to 5 players can play together, it is recommended to play with 4 or 5 players for a more balanced experience, so make sure to invite some friends or people on discord ^.^

I originally sent an incomplete reply... oops

In most classic Mega Man games, the boss rush just dropa few health/weapon refill pickups between bosses (as it's the case here), however, I'm planning to add custom difficulty settings to accommodate for different players that want the game to be easier or harder, such as:

-Enabling/Disabling enemies respawning after leaving a room
-Toggles for mid-level checkpoints and pre-boss checkpoint (I'll take boss rush checkpoints in consideration when working on this feature)
-Multipliers for damage dealt and damage received

A singleplayer mode with CPUs could be a good idea actually, it's nice to try the game with no other people needed
If I make CPUs, I could try to make them a optional toggle for multiplayer too, so you can play with let's say, 2 players and 3 CPUs

Greetings The Pac-Man Gamer 7650.

1. The game won't harm your computer, Clickteam's executables have had the issue of being detected as malicious for some time now... sorry for the issues (Just make sure to download it from, I haven't uploaded it on any other page).

2. In other games you would hop right online and join a lobby, however with an obscure fangame... yeah, you would need to ask someone else to play, I recently created a Discord so people can get together / follow me for updates.

3. Adding a gray (Spunky) color and a brown (Tim) color should be easy, so yeah.

4. Kind of, maybe I could add stages from other games, original stages, small costumes (Like Ms. Pac-man bow or junior's hat), changing some TCP messages to UDP, I'll see.

Checked the game on VirusTotal:

It is indeed flagged by a small amount security vendors, but no sandbox.

The issue it's also inconsistent, as both McAfee and Avast appear as undetected/safe, but both detect it when running the game locally Dx.

You can add the game to the exclusions of your antivirus, sorry again for the inconveniences.


Ok, so, I created a blank project in Clickteam and exported it immediately, funny thing, it is flagged by more antiviruses than the actual game.

Welp... Clickteam.

Sorry for the Issues... It's a false positive, an ongoing problem with Clickteam Fusion (The game engine)

Here are some Clickteam games published on steam that have also had, or are having this issue...

Freedom Planet


Inexistance Rebirth

Dark Devotion

Five Nights at Freddy's 4

I'll see what I can do on my end, whoever, I cannot promise anything, have already tried some methods in the past, but welp... Clickteam

No worries, the project hasn't been canceled, although it has been halted for a long while, I am reworking my Pac-Man VS. game to use a hosted server in which people can create lobbies so it can be played it without much setup like port forwarding, and allowing play with random people from the internet, but I had to make most netcode from scratch...

I'm adding more customization for the lobby settings, changing the menus, the HUD and adding maps, I'll resume work on Mega Man Again once that is finished, and it only needs some finishing touches, so it'll be soon.

I'm considering creating a discord to allow better communication with the community, show announcements, get feedback, etc. probably shortly after finishing the Pac-Man thingy

PD: thanks for the compliment of this being the best remake of the first game ^.^ glad you enjoyed it.

Don't worry, reports only help looking for issues, both the Wily Stage 5 collision issues (Some tiles were not considered solid), and Wily not dropping the proper level ending pickup have already been dealt with and will be fixed for the next version, thank you for pointing them out ^.^

Hi Umbra! I checked the issue and properly fixed it in the last version, sorry for the inconveniences.
It doesn´t have any new content though, and difficulty is still the same, I´ll consider adding difficulty options to make the game easier or harder depending on taste in the future.

Pd: Happy new year!

Glad you liked it! ^.^ Enker is not yet unlockable, but I´m already working on it, most work on him is done, I´m rather working on the path to get to him

Sorry for the issues, yeah, everything on that version is a bit broken, the boss icons was done on purpose to sort of hide the final bosses identities, but looking back, it is confusing and inconsistent with the rest of the bosses, and will most probably be changed on the engine rework, I'll upload a hotfix for the boss drop in a few moments.

Clickteam Fusion (Engine of Baba is You and Freedom Planet)

I don't know how to fix the issue of some antiviruses detecting the file as suspicious, but haven't really look onto it, so thanks for reminding me :)

Hi, what do you mean by "it doesn't continue inputting"?

Does the game register the new key but you can't use it?

Or you can't bind other keys after binding the first one?

Yes, I am planning to add Time Man and Oil Man, both as stage bosses and as playable characters.

I uploaded the ResetControlsToDefault file, upon opening, it will... Well... instantly reset your controls to the default settings.

I think I know what happened, when you change the bind of some keys (Up/Down/Back) the game will also perform the action asigned, wich can potentially change the key in wich the key bind falls into (I thought I had already fixed it, but I have to check again, as it clearly hasn't...)

Not at the time, I'll see if I can make an executable to reset the control for now.

I'll take this into account to see if I add mouse support for the menu.

Hi, sorry for the late reply, yes, the game does have keyboard binding, it is on the main menu > options > controls > player.

Buenas Ofihombre, no comprendo a que te refieres del todo... Coloco abajo las posibles respuestas a tu problema.

(Cada jugador require una pc para jugar)

Local en una misma pc: esta opción no fue implementada ya que arruina el hecho de que los fantasmas tengan un rango de visión limitado, ya que todos verían toda la pantalla.

En una misma red wifi/hotspot: pueden conectarse a traves del mismo wi-fi y colocar la ipv4 del host sin necesidad de port forwarding o Hamachi.

En distintas redes wi-fi (online, Port forward): requiere colocar la ipv4 del host y el port 6121, el host en algunos casos deberá abrir los puertos de su router manualmente (busca un tutorial sobre port forwarding, teniendo en cuenta el modelo de tu router, ya que ciertos router necesitan distintos procedimientos)

En distintas redes wi-fi (Hamachi): todos los jugadores requieren Hamachi, un jugador crea una red y los otros se unen, después alguien hace de host para la partida y finalmente, simplemente se conectan a través de la ip de Hamachi del que crea la partida y voila.

Espero que alguno de esos métodos te sea util.

Can the game be played on a 32bit computer? (I'm using windows (x86), tried opening the game and got an error, saying that I need  64bit :/

Here's the error:
[The version of this file is not compatible with the windows version you are executing, check the system information of the device to see if you need a x86 version or x64 of the program and then get in contact with the supplier]