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A member registered Sep 24, 2020

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A funny and scary short horror game. Playtime ~5 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • I loved the story behind it! It was really funny.
  • I wish there was a little more difficulty to the game. I managed to complete it fairly quickly by going along the edge of the map and finding the exit.
  • I'm surprised how scary the marshmallow monster was. The way it was crawling on the ground before charging at you with no escape is really scary.
  • I'm curious what the weird shiny egg was for. Was it a marshmallow egg or something? It was very odd.
  • The flashlight was way too bright. The light coming from it didn't have a max value which made it so everything I would "light up" would just be completely white.
  • It was a bit confusing how the monster seems to get you in the intro, but later on you're still alive.
  • I love how the monster does give you a hint it's nearby. Many short horror games don't do this unfortunately, and I feel like it takes a way from the horror experience. So it's great to hear you ended up implementing something like that.
  • The branch sounds here and there were a great addition!

Overall, I a neat little horror game. Great job!

(1 edit)

A very beautiful short horror game. Playtime ~25 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • The animations are wonderful! I love the attention to detail.
  • This helps understand a lot about the universe of SHINING STREET 21, which is really nice.
  • Very small visual issue where there's an "E" on the guy's shirt for a little bit here, but I don't think I even noticed it until editing. (13:54)
  • The music is really nice and creepy. I don't know what it is with looped short music but it is always really scary. I think it's the unusual nature of it.
  • The saw while going down the ladder is a bit of an odd addition, as why would a family buy a dangerously giant saw like this, especially in an area where it is so easy to fall down in.
  • That dungeon is HUGE!
  • I really loved how even the police's side was shown, and that 911 was called early on, this rarely ever happens in horror series.
  • The VHS tape scene was really cool, but I'm still a little confused if it had anything to do with the story. Is it possibly footage from security cameras?

Overall, I really liked the horror game. Great job!

A short exploration horror game. Playtime ~8 minutes.

My playthrough:  


My thoughts on the game:

  • The FOV is way too low, it's a bit disorienting to navigate.
  • I wish there were puzzles.
  • Those added spooks are good.
  • The pools should have a bottom but most of them don't, it's more of just a black void which seems a bit unfinished.
  • The doorways don't have the pool texture on them.
  • I wish a lot more of the sound scares actually meant something physical.
  • Would've been cool if someone was stalking you throughout this experience, but just as you tried to get a closer look they'd disappear.

Overall, I enjoyed the game. Great job!

A fun short horror game. Playtime ~5-10 minutes.

My playthrough: 


My thoughts on the game:

  • A very polished game.
  • The movement is smooth but not too smooth, it felt nice to play.
  • The game is pretty optimized.
  • The snowman model looks great!
  • That spider thing of the snowman was very unexpected, it was really funny and creepy at the same time. I love the twist.
  • I wish the snowman was a harder obstacle. I've played many games like this one and usually what makes the enemy harder is denser fog (But I will recommend maybe a map system if that's the case) and a quicker acting enemy. For this enemy, all you need to do is just wait for a breeze, turn 360 degrees and continue as far as I'm aware, very cheese-able. Another way to make the snowman harder is to have multiple snowmen.
  • Once you've seen the enemy, if you don't move it won't react, even if you look away. (7:57)
  • What the heck was this xD. (2:36)
  • Delayed sound reaction of the snowman. (2:44)
  • Depth of Field breaks the fog. (6:10)

Overall, I enjoyed the game. Great job!

An interesting atmospheric game, though doesn't contain much content. Playtime ~10 minutes.

The game has a very good style, though most of the gameplay is walking through a maze, and the monster isn't particularly a challenge. The environment looks almost the same everywhere you go.

I noticed the walkspeed issue occurred only when I was up against a wall. Some of the walls also had an overlapping texture.

Overall, it was a pleasant experience, though I do wish more was done with the game. To me, the only challenging aspect in the game was finding the exit, and even then it felt completely chance-driven.

It was an interesting game but I found it quite small and missing a lot of scare factor. Part of what makes games scary is the mystery of the monster and unpredictability. This monster was very predictable and very visible. Additionally, it's possible to jump on top of the buildings using the rocks for cover.

Adding fog to the game would've helped it tremendously. A monster that sometimes rotates or moves in a path towards your direction if you are close enough to it would've also helped

(1 edit)

I played it, it's very very short. Also not very scary, the monster is extremely slow.

The credits are buggy, I couldn't read it because the text had a trailing effect.

The buildings serve no purpose other than to get you stuck.

Overall, I wish the game had a bit more to it. Multiple objectives, an unpredictable monster and a proper story would have been a good addition to the game.

A pretty creepy short horror game. Playtime ~10-20 minutes.

My playthrough: 


My thoughts on the game:

  • The jumpscare at the end felt a bit too sudden with no suspense.
  • I wish there was a chase scene for more gameplay.
  • The PSX style was done very well.
  • The gameplay feels smooth and responsive.
  • That old lady is CREEPY!
  • I noticed it's very hard to find the milk. It's located at the top shelf which isn't usually where people would look, and is stored in conditions unfit for milk (should be the fridge).
  • It's weird how the worker steps away from the counter for eternity when you are still shopping.
  • The "Teke Teke" sounds in the store sound a too much like something else rather than a "Teke Teke".
  • I found Teke Teke was way too quick and hard to see. I'd argue she could make a sizeable income working as a car with her impressive speed. Someone with only two arms and a sythe should rather have severely halted movement, and less than human speed at best.
  • Odd how the car crash happened and yet no one is calling the police or even caring.
  • I wish there was an option to interact with the car once you make your escape, which would give the text "I don't have the keys, maybe I can find them somewhere", to indicate to the player there is a way to get into the car.
  • Kind of odd how Teke Teke hunts you when in reality you and the stores are quite far from the train station. It would make more sense if this store was IN the train station.
  • Where is the player exactly driving in the ending scene? Their home is 3 minutes away. If it were me, I'd look for a safe spot to hide and call the police about the crash and mysterious chopped up lady, to which they'd be forced to investigate.

Overall, I liked the game. Great job!

A pretty creepy short horror game. Playtime ~20 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • It's hard to tell you could go right. (2:20)
  • It's a bit odd you have to get to the door to remember you have to get dressed.
  • Possible sprite issue? There was something infront of my character. (4:53)
  • The outside is also dark when you go inside the shack and then outside, probably a bug. (6:12)
  • There seem to be some random movements sometimes, unsure if it's a bug or not. (10:13)
  • It's very unclear you're controlling a dot all of the sudden. (11:35)
  • The creepy images are very creepy. They're so absolutely terrifying it's traumatic.
  • You can still wash up after dressing up. (16:45)
  • It's unclear whether the game ends or not at the ending.
  • Very polished game.
  • I'm a bit confused on the final interaction at the end, I'm still not very sure what the snowy thing was.

Overall, I liked the game. Great job!

 Seizure inducing, slow walking, confusing, a light that lasts less than a second and causes epilepsy.

A cool concept but it was painful to play.

Interesting but the dialogue goes by way too quick. There's grammar issues and the text on the phone is very hard to see.

Additionally, I could not figure out what the code is. I tried every combination of 0, 34, 16 and 7, and also without the 34. Nothing worked, I couldn't progress.

Would've loved to make a video on the game but these problems are a bit severe and cause a softlock in the game as well as confusion.

(1 edit)

A pretty decent short horror game. Playtime ~5 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • The doors are a little bit wonky.
  • The music is actually fairly creepy and vibey, great job!
  • No extremely loud jumpscares so I'm thankful for that.
  • For a game made for learning or prototype this is pretty good!
  • The light is a bit too extreme and sudden.

Overall, a pretty decent game. Great job!

A very nice short funny horror game. Playtime ~10 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • Pretty funny, great job!
  • Looks great and runs great!
  • The file size is a little high- 3GB for such a short game is quite a surprise.
  • I wish it was easier to find keys - I sometimes spent countless minutes searching for them.
  • It's unclear whether a door is locked and you need to find a key for it (I almost gave up on the game because I didn't know I had to find a key and thought it was bugged).
  • It's quite ironic how calm the main character is after hearing such noises xD
  • Why is everything so bloody? O.o
  • I really liked the attention to detail.

Overall, great horror game! I loved every bit of it.

I wanted to make a video about this game really bad. It's really cool looking and plays nice. Though, this teddy is impossible to get and the climbing is very wonky. Additionally, I've only seen about 5 teddies out of 10 which I'm supposed to find and I've been through the whole building. I've spent about 15 minutes just being here trying to get this teddy bear. 

Apart from that, it would be cool if she wouldn't see you under small tables as it kinda makes sense.

A nice short horror game. Playtime ~10 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • The game has a nice atmosphere to it.
  • The monster isn't too scary and I would generally classify it as goofy. It was a bit scary sometimes but I think the design, sound effects and it's behaviour could've been improved.
  • The main menu is very bland with no sound effects.
  • I wish there was a simple version of the text to read when left clicking. Many popular games do this to combat the hard to read font present.
  • It was never explained why there were broken down cop cars and blood. Additionally, if the cops got killed by the monster, more cops would arrive.
  • It's unclear why the guy who wrote the notes hid the keys in all these different places - It's a monster, and it doesn't seem very smart either, if it can't read the text it probably can't open doors either.
  • The light doesn't seem to do anything to the monster.
  • It's unclear the monster takes damage from the gun until you kill it, as it kinda just disappears and respawns.
  • The story was easy to follow.

Overall, it was a nice short horror game. Great job!

I tried this game out but it's way WAYY to difficult and lacks instructions. 99% of the time you just walk around looking for notes. There is no clear indication where you've been or not been since everything looks the same. There are dead ends which make you lose 99% of the time unless you can pull some juke. Monster can spawn on you.

It was pretty decent but I really couldn't finish it. Great atmosphere though.

(3 edits)

An interesting short game, very vibey!

My playthrough: 


My thoughts on the game:

  • I really liked the inclusion of the spider and it's metaphoric value, great job!
  • The game is extremely vibey with the looks and sound effects, I liked it.
  • For improvement, I think the door that opens/closes constantly could be optimized a bit by making it open only when you're further away from it and close only when you're close to it, so it can't be spammed.
  • The voice acting is great, I loved it!
  • It's a little unclear where and which beer bottles you have to grab, maybe a glow like on the spider would help.
  • Would've been cool to see some stars at the beginning of the game when it turns dark, and to have maybe fog at the top of the hills so it makes a little more sense with the lighting.
  • I recommend adding an outline to text as white on white can be hard to read, especially when you click on the door. (Example image below)

Overall, as much as I tried thinking of feedback notes for this game, the game as it is pretty much nails it! Incredible job, I enjoyed every bit of it :)

(1 edit)

An interesting continuation to the original Yandere Limit. Playtime of demo ~30-40 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • The movement is a little glitchy, sometimes I found myself holding W but I was not going forward for an unknown reason.
  • The computer data particles are VERY difficult to shoot. I found myself shooting them 5+ times just to get them over with.
  • I'm not sure if it's just because it's Yui or not, but shooting the all the data particles sounds a little too easy. The room is small and unlike Yandere Limit 1, you are always in the same room. In Yandere Limit 1 you had a sort of temporary safe zone, but in every room outside of it you'd risk hitting a different girl, which made it very difficult (In a good way).
  • I have a feeling this game's story is very difficult to understand for those who've not played Yandere Limit 1. Unlike Yandere Limit Sleepover which actually overcame this very well - this addition to the Yandere Limit series jumps straight into after the ending of Yandere Limit 1, without taking steps to ensure all players are on the same page (For example, players playing Half Life 2 don't need to play through all of Half Life 1 to know what's going on).
  • Very well done art! I really enjoyed it.
  • The new 3Der gameplay in this engine is definitely a big improvement!
  • Yui doesn't seem to get stunned for very long at all sometimes. I sometimes shot her just for her to get up and teleport to me 1 second later.
  • It can be a little unclear sometimes who is actually talking in the messages, or if you're supposed to know, as you can't view the whole message at the beginning (To see if there's a - Ms. M at the bottom).
  • Is there supposed to be a huge hole in the middle of the roof? xD
  • Everytime the book was full and I tried ripping the pages, not only did it seem a bit pointless (Especially at the end sequence) but it always told me the page was stuck.
  • It's very interesting to see the bigger picture unfold!
  • Is Himari just going to stay in the office till the rest of the game? xD She isn't threatened oddly enough and is reassured she will be okay by Ms. M. I have a feeling she should be in big trouble considering she likes the detective (which investigated Kataro).
  • I wonder why Yui ran away when we first saw her.
  • The gun seems more like a sword - Shooting what's right infront of you. Doesn't it make more sense for a gun to shoot far away to where you're aiming?
  • The detective's building is extremely cool! Well done!
  • I recommend putting fog outside instead of the black area, to indicate you are in a very high place without having to map a whole city.
  • It's odd how Yui just lies there outside in the rain for no reason for like a good 10 minutes at some point.
  • The music was extremely scary, I loved it!

Overall, I really enjoyed the game and found the new and ever-evolving plotline to Yandere Limit very intriguing. Keep it up! :D

A very nice short horror game. Playtime ~8 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • I really like the graphics.
  • I like how you can't hear him, adds quite a bit of fear.
  • It doesn't make sense that the main character doesn't just exit through the fire exit from the very start, rather instead waits for the police INSIDE.
  • I found the game to be fairly easy.
  • Would be cool to know who the strange man was when you escape and the police come in.

Overall, I really liked the horror game. Wish it had a little more but overall it's nice as a small playable game :)

A fairly difficult short horror game. Playtime ~20 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • The skull system is a completely random based system, which means your chances of winning are based on luck rather than skill. It would've been a lot better if you got a hint with a sound or something to where the nearest skull was. 
  • It's very hard to outrun the monster once he chases you and you lose sprint. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing.
  • Amazing design! Very spooky.
  • I loved the sound effects.
  • Sometimes if you switch while walking in 2D or 3D form you will continue hearing footsteps from the other dimension.
  • Odd how the game is essentially two different games in one rather than one game in two dimensions but I suppose it's best for difficulty.

Overall, I really liked the game. Great job!

A great horror experience. Playtime ~10 minutes.

My playthrough: 


My thoughts on the game:

  • The lighting in the shadow people room is a little buggy.
  • I really like the A.I. of the monster, though it is also very easy to outrun a lot of the time. Maybe the game being in night-time would've been better as it would show off the colors of the radio towers (whether they're on/off) and also make it harder to see the monster. In this scenario it would've been amazing to have an "area light" around you, but this wouldn't make too much sense as barely anyone uses that in today's technology.
  • It's very confusing what you have to do at the start of the game, as I expected to have to fix all towers but apparently not.
  • The monster is fairly cute-looking. If it was a pixelated face, an animated sprite, or an animated blurry model, I think it would've been scarier. One of the things that make horror games scary is that you don't know exactly what you're facing and what their traits are - In this game it's very clear as the monster is well lit and has a predictable path (Either straight for you or patrolling). Again, it would've been harder to know how the monster works if it was darker/harder to see.
  • The dialog in the beginning should be on manual-skip as there is no voice associated with it. This is because not everyone reads in the same pace.
  • The ending was really funny, I loved it.

Overall, amazing game! I enjoyed every bit of it.

Spooky short horror game. Playtime ~3 minutes.



My thoughts on the game:

  • Very, very short.
  • Doesn't contain much story. You end up in a dark scary place with random puzzles and jumpscares. Nothing really unique.
  • If you don't look at the screen when the number '9' shows you can softlock yourself due to lack of knowledge on the code.
  • The monster doesn't disappear.
  • I wish there was something more.
  • Amazing graphics and camera settings!
  • Runs really smooth.

Overall a pretty decent horror game.

Great short horror game! Playtime -6 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • Great use of a story! A lot of horror games follow really silly stories or something that makes absolutely no sense. This makes sense, and the umbrella man isn't a monster, it's an actual man, which makes more sense and I would argue even creepier.
  • I really liked the pixel style.
  • A bit odd the umbrella man can just walk through everything but I suppose it's for the best.
  • A bit odd you can't escape the building from the way the umbrella man came.
  • I wish there was a proper ending rather than a loop - I got confused at first and didn't understand if I actually finished the game.
  • The umbrella man is very easy to escape.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game. Great job!

Hey, I tried out your game but unfortunately I ran into some problems:

  • You can fall through the world in the box room where the mannequin person shows up by hugging the wall.
  • There are no options for lower graphical settings.
  • The game is extremely dark, very very dark, it's really hard to see where things are.
  • I could not find the upstairs area for the life of me, I walked all throughout the house.
  • The text goes by too fast, if it was something the user could control when to skip it'd be a lot better.

Overall the game looks very well though and is fairly interesting.

really scary and a great challenge. Playtime ~20 minutes.

My playthrough: 


My thoughts on the game:

  • Great scares! It really spooked me out.
  • The lighting isn't done quite well. I've had a fair share of mapping experience too. What could be done to fix the light being so "pointy" is add a point light/box light to simulate light bouncing around the room, otherwise the light looks very unrealistic and keeps the room incredibly dark.
  • The game is pretty unoptimized, I had to run on medium settings though other intensive games run fine on max settings.
  • The mannequins are very well done.
  • I appreciate the hints! It definitely took me a bit of time to realize stuff was under objects.
  • Odd how the player is more comfortable breaking into a house than breaking into a crate and stealing gas.
  • I wish mannequins catching you was a bit more scary, maybe a headsnap like SCP-173 would've done it.

Overall, amazing game! I really enjoyed the experience.

Fairly vibey game but extremely short. I wish it had more to offer.

I've spent nearly 30 minutes walking aimlessly trying to figure out how to get to the barn.

What does 1986 have to do with anything? Right, so I went all the way back to her grave to see if I can find anything. I can't.

The game pace is very slow, so you can imagine the struggle of going back and fourth constantly.

There's two ways you can go to the barn, I've spent quite some time going left right left right left right, and left left right right and whatnot, I can't manage to get to the barn, and the game makes it very unclear if what you're doing is wrong.

A long horror game. Playtime ~40 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • Very frustrating. You spend 15-20 minutes getting lots of progress just for it all to be erased by something you can't control.
  • Escaping the ghost is nearly impossible without any objects around. It is quite unfair as you never know where the ghost is.
  • The ghost doesn't make any noises, which adds to the unfairness.
  • The game isn't very congratulating on completing it. Unfortunately.
  • The game doesn't explain the most important thing in the game. How to avoid the ghost.
  • There is no indication that the gate gets unlocked, and it doesn't make much sense that it does as the first reason was the lack of power, yet the generators are still not functional when the gate can be opened.
  • As frustrating as it may be the game was fairly nice to play. 
  • I wish there was sound design in general, the game is dead silent.

Overall, though frustrating, I enjoyed my experience. It was definitely scary.

Amazing horror game! Great scares. Playtime ~5 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • Incredible scares! You are probably one of the many people who can pull of good sound design and proper scares.
  • I wish there was a story behind this. A lot of "repeating" games don't share a story and it would've been nice to see a change - such as notes.
  • Is the plant bug intentional? I get flung around by the plants. Regardless, scared the hell out of me!

Overall, great short experience. I loved it!

Great game, gave me quite a few scares! Playtime ~5 minutes.

My playthrough: 


My thoughts on the game:

  • I wish it was explained what the mysterious place was and what Ollie was doing there.
  • It's unclear how you got the weapon, and how it has so many bullets, is it a literal nightmare or reality?
  • Ollie gave me big spooks!
  • I wish normal Ollie showed up in 3D and you could interact with him, would make it a bit scarier.
  • I really liked how it turned from innocent to very dark.
  • Great atmosphere!
  • Quite short, I wish it was longer.

Overall, amazing demo! I really liked it.

A decent short horror game. Playtime ~15 minutes (for all endings).

My playthrough: 


My thoughts on the game:

  • Quite unpolished. There's money inside of tables, lack of attention to detail.
  • The normal ending does not state it is the normal ending unlike the other endings.
  • It's unclear what items are and where they can be used. Text to describe the vent could be "cut" when looking at it and text on items to claim what they are would've helped.
  • Items blend very easily with the background. It would've been a lot more helpful if they "glew" in some form.
  • It doesn't make sense that you go into a house to steal money and there is no ending that defines actually doing the job. The closest thing is leaving the house, but it doesn't even include taking the money, what's the point?
  • Weird how you see blood and still decide to go to the basement.
  • The basement design isn't realistic.
  • Great scares!
  • You use the keypad without knowing the code? What?
  • I liked the idea of burglarizing a house of a madman.

Overall, decent horror game. I enjoyed playing it!

Appreciate the explanation, definitely clears things up!

I'm looking forward to checking out some of your other games :)

A decent horror game with lots of jumpscares. Playtime ~20 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • Very VERY random.
  • No story included, a little confusing.
  • Unfortunately, no puzzles.
  • No enemies to run away from.
  • Lots of jumpscares, most of which are copies of one another.
  • Great graphics.
  • Nothing happens when you get close to the mannequins. It would be cool if you get "teleported" back if you touch any of them so that way players will avoid touching them due to loss of progress.
  • You grab a giant looking head, what??
  • It's very unclear that to get the inventory off your screen you need to press "I". It would've been better if escape or E would've done it.

Overall, a decent horror game. I wish it made a little more sense though.

Amazing horror game, though the items may be challenging to find. Playtime ~20-30 minutes.

My playthrough: 


My thoughts on the game:

  • I wish hard mode made you die quicker by the killer, you still seem to be getting a lot of chances.
  • It's unclear you can use the plank on the top area, I wasn't even sure the plank was needed.
  • The killer can get stuck on the hole in the wall.
  • I really liked the style of the game, it was really cool!
  • Though the game is very quiet, I feel like it adds a lot to the scares.
  • I wish there was more story. An ending like "The police searched the house but found no one", suggesting the killer is still out there.
  • The killer's footsteps are barely hearable.
  • The crowbar in the bathtub was a little too much, I could not find it for a whileee.

Overall, amazing game! It was very enjoyable to play, in addition to being very scary. :)

(1 edit)

A short decent horror game. ~3 minutes of playtime.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • For 3 days, that's quite a lot of work!
  • I have found a lot of bugs including getting the entity "stuck". I recommend only doing "jumpscare" triggers once and no more.
  • You found a hammer to break a door, yet you never use it?
  • Why is there a key in the toilet out of all places.
  • I feel as if we were introduced to the enemy too quick, as the first encounter wasn't that scary at all.
  • I wish there were puzzles or an A.I. chase.

Overall, a fairly decent horror game for 3 days. Great job!

(1 edit)

Creepy simple short horror game. Playtime is around ~5 minutes.

My playthrough:  


My thoughts on the game:

  • The dot in the middle of the screen is pointless.
  • It's unclear which floors are what levels.
  • I wish there were puzzles.
  • It's weird how the backpack is referred to as a briefcase and apparently the "headmasters backpack" is in some random classroom.
  • The backpack appears out of nowhere and it's kind of weird.
  • Can't you just jump out of the window once you reach the first floor?

Overall, a decent short horror game! I enjoyed the experience.